The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1997, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, February 1, 1997            TAG: 9702010283
SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B5   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: PORTSMOUTH                        LENGTH:   56 lines


Capt. Timothy Edward Scheib has been picked to become the 99th commanding officer of the Norfolk Naval Shipyard when Capt. William R. Klemm leaves after three years at the helm of the nation's oldest navy yard.

Scheib, 46, came to the Portsmouth yard in 1995. He currently serves as operations officer and is responsible for overseeing ship repairs at the shipyard and at remote locations. He previously served as production resources officer overseeing waterfront shop activities.

Klemm, 50, is scheduled to depart the commander's office sometime this year.

The change of command date is not set and Klemm's future assignment has not been announced, said Steve Milner, the shipyard's public information officer.

A 28-year Navy veteran, Klemm is on the list for promotion to rear admiral.

In a speech to the Portsmouth Rotary Club Thursday, 4th District U.S. Rep. Norman Sisisky praised Klemm's work at the shipyard, noting an increase in productivity under his leadership and also the increased use of shipyard property by other naval agencies. Two destroyer squadrons assigned to Norfolk now are based at the yard.

``He's an asset to the yard and to the community,'' Sisisky said. ``But more than that, he's a great asset to the Navy, so I know he's headed for greater things.''

Scheib, a native of Sewickley, Pa., is a 1973 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and has graduate degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

He has worked as a supervisor at Pearl Harbor and Charleston naval shipyards and has been stationed in the submarine division of the Board of Inspection and Survey in Washington and at Naval Sea System Command, where he was a program manager.

In 1992, he was assigned to the Submarine Warfare Division under the chief of naval operations at the Pentagon; in 1993, he was named deputy supervisor of shipbuilding in Newport News.

Scheib and his wife, Cheryl, have two children, Holly and Skip. The family already lives at the shipyard.

Klemm, a history buff, has been active in community activities in Portsmouth and was instrumental in opening the Trophy Park area of the shipyard for public tours and events.

He is scheduled to appear on a symposium here March 8 to discuss the navy yard as it was at the time of the Civil War battle of the first ironclad ships, the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia. The symposium is part of the 135th anniversary celebration of the Battle of Hampton Roads.

Over his career, Klemm has been stationed in the Portsmouth yard on four occasions. He and his wife, Nan, live in the historic Quarters A in the original section of the shipyard. They have two sons. ILLUSTRATION: Photos

Capt. William R. Klemm, left, commanding officer of the Norfolk

Naval Shipyard, will give the reins to Capt. Timothy Edward Scheib

later this year.

by CNB