The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1997, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, February 6, 1997            TAG: 9702060531
SECTION: FRONT                   PAGE: A2   EDITION: FINAL 
                                            LENGTH:   26 lines




The last name of Suffolk library director Elliot A. Drew was

wrong in a MetroNews story Wednesday about libraries.

Antwann Lewis and Ali J. Carter of Norfolk State University

shared the award for student radio feature in the Echoes of

Excellence Awards. A story in Sunday's MetroNews left a name out.

Sgt. Maj. Gene C. McKinney is the Army's top enlisted man, or top

non-commissioned officer. In a story Wednesday about a panel

studying the service's sex abuse problem, he was wrongly described

as ``top enlisted officer.''

A phone number for the Humanitarian Awards Dinner of the

Tidewater Chapter of The National Conference to be held March 11 at

6 p.m. at the Norfolk Marriott Waterside Hotel was incorrect in a

Wednesday Daily Break story. For reservations, call (804) 359-2137.

by CNB