The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1997, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, February 13, 1997           TAG: 9702110145
SOURCE: Kathryn Darling 
                                            LENGTH:   72 lines


When Alveta Green was sworn in as the newest member of the Norfolk School Board, she was accompanied by two special guests - her first-grade teacher and a student from the first class she ever taught.

Green, a retired teacher, already was in good company. About 75 people attended the ceremony in January, including Roy Nichols, superintendent of schools, two School Board members, two Norfolk City Council members, and family, friends and relatives.

The special guests were Marie Wright, her first-grade teacher who was also her cousin, and Rosalyn White, the student from her first-grade class at John T. West Elementary School.

Since that first class in 1956, Green has kept in touch with White, now an assistant principal at Rosemont Forest Elementary in Virginia Beach.

For 34 years, Green taught first, second and third grade in Norfolk Public Schools, but she said she never wanted to be an administrator, because she liked the hands-on joys of teaching.

``I enjoyed seeing the light come on in their eyes when they learned a skill or mastered a task,'' she said.

And she ``liked the idea of touching the future. Of shaping'' the lives of children, she said.

Now Green, who lives on the border between the Coranado-Inglenook and Greenhill Farms areas, will bring that expertise to the School Board until her term expires in June 1998.

But Green insists she's not approaching her work on the board with an agenda.

``I'm going in with an open mind to do what I can to help them accomplish their goals.''

Name: Alveta Valentine Green.

Nickname: None.

What brought you to Norfolk? I was born here.

Birthdate: Jan. 7, 1935.

Occupation: Retired elementary teacher.

Marital status: Married to Walter H. Green Sr. for 40 years this summer.

Children: Three, Alveta, Darlene and Walter Jr.

Last book read: ``For Richer, For Poorer,'' by Dorothy West.

Favorite movie: ``Bright Road'' and ``Sound of Music.''

Favorite magazine: ``Ebony,'' ``Time'' and ``Southern Living.''

If you could trade places for just one day with anyone in the world, who would it be and why? No one, I like being me.

Biggest accomplishment: My involvement with my family, church and community.

Most embarrassing moment: The day I wore mismatched shoes to school. One was navy blue and one was black.

Perfect way to spend the day: Working on my hobbies without interruptions.

Favorite vacation spot: San Francisco and Paris.

Pet peeve: Discourteous drivers.

First job: Baby-sitting for a 4-year old.

Worst job: None.

Hobbies: Reading, arts and crafts, interior decorating and watching old movies.

Favorite restaurant: Phillips at Waterside.

What do you like most about Norfolk? The caring, friendly people, all of the cultural activities and being the home of the world's largest naval base.

What do you like least about Norfolk? Nothing. If I see something I dislike, I work to try to get it changed. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by MOTOYA NAKAMURA

For 34 years, Alveta Green taught first, second and third grade in

Norfolk Public Schools, but she said she never wanted to be an

administrator, because she liked the hands-on joys of teaching. ``I

enjoyed seeing the light come on in their eyes when they learned a

skill or mastered a task,'' she said.

by CNB