QBARS - v11n2 The Nomination of Officers of the American Rhododendron Society

The Nomination Of Officers of the American Rhododendron Society

The Committee on Nominations appointed by the President nominates the following members:

President - C. I. SERSANOUS: Has most ably carried out the duties of this office for four terms; rhododendron fancier and collector, prime mover in the development of the Trial Garden and the establishment of the Cool House.

Vice-President - J. HAROLD CLARKE: Propagator and grower of Rhododendrons; Ph.D. in Horticulture, headed committees on nomenclature, naming and ratings, registration; President Portland Chapter ARS, Editor of "ARS Year Book Rhododendrons".

Secretary-Treasurer - MRS. RUTH HANSEN: Four terms in this office attests to her value to the ARS and her tireless efforts upon its behalf. rhododendron collector and fancier, interested in hybrids and species, particularly the Triflorum Series.

Board Of Directors:

EDWARD B. DUNN - Seattle, Wash: Incumbent, Past President Seattle Chapter ARS, particularly interested in the newer hybrids. Always active and interested in promoting activities of ARS.

W. P. RIDDELSBARGER - Eugene, Oregon: Past Vice-President of ARS, lawyer, able rhododendron show judge, collector of hybrids, species and azaleas.

DR. CARL PHETTEPLACE, M.D. - Eugene, Oregon: Fine planting of hybrids and species (many of the most outstanding are from the Barto collection) at his country home on the McKenzie River. Long active with the Eugene Chapter ARS.

HERBERT SCHINK - Portland, Oregon: Associated with Sawyers, Inc. Rhododendron collector and fancier, always active in the development of the Trial Garden and Cool House and in the staging of Portland Chapter rhododendron shows.

WALES WOOD - St. Helens, Oregon: Past member of Board of Directors, ARS; interested in hybrids and species, particularly the dwarf varieties, collector.

JOSEPH H. KLUPENGER - Portland, Oregon: Nurseryman, long active in the staging of horticultural shows in the Portland area.

ROBERT BOVEE - Portland, Oregon: Incumbent; grower and propagator, especially interested in dwarf varieties, long active as Publicity Director for Portland Chapter Shows and past Show Chairman.

SUMNER WILLIAMS - Portland, Oregon: Incumbent, long active in Portland rhododendron shows and development of Trial Garden and Cool House.

HOWARD J. SLONECKER - Oakgrove, Oregon: