QBARS - v14n3 Bronze Plaque Set in the National Test Garden

Bronze Plaque Set in the National Test Garden

There is now a bronze plaque on a native stone at the east side of the Society Garden at Crystal Springs Island. It very simply reads:

Dedicated to:
through whose efforts
this test garden was
established in 1950

It is placed in a grouping of five plants of Rhododendron 'CIS' and two of R. 'Ella'. This plaque is the outward evidence of the very real respect in which he was and is still held by all members who knew him. It was officially presented to the city of Portland by John Henny for the Portland Chapter. The plaque was accepted by Commissioner of Finance Ormond R. Bean on behalf of the city. Commissioner Bean recalled the initial meeting when the idea was advanced that this island could in time become a nationally known garden of unique beauty. The ceremony took place on Sunday, April 24, at 2:00 P.M. between the showers that make this the rhododendron paradise of America.