QBARS - v19n2 Show Schedule for 1965

Show Schedule For 1965

CALIFORNIA - Apr. 24, 25 at the Community Hall, 711 Highland Ave., Piedmont, Cal. An informal "early season" show was held at the Mar. 25 meeting.

EUGENE - May 2, in the Rhododendron Display Garden.

GRAY'S HARBOR - May 8 in the lobby of the National Bank of Commerce, Aberdeen, Wash.

NEW JERSEY - May 15-16 in the Trailside Museum, Union County Display Garden.

NEW YORK - May 23 at Planting Fields at the time of the Annual Meeting of the American Rhododendron Society. The Chapter also put up exhibits in connection with the Long Island Nurseryman's Show, Feb. 20-28, and the International Flower Show, at the Coliseum, New York, Mar. 6-14.

OLYMPIA - May 22, 23 at the Olympia Brewery Park, Tumwater, Wash.

PORTLAND - May 8-9, at the Island in Crystal Springs Lake Park.

SEATTLE - May 21-23, in the Crossroads Lee Pavilion, east of Bellevue. An early Rhododendron Show, scheduled for Apr. 10-11, will have been held before this issue is in the hands of our members.

SHELTON - May 15-16, in the lobby and inner court of the Simpson Timber Co, office building, 200 N. 3rd St., Shelton, Wash.

TACOMA - May 15-16, in conjunction with Gardeners' Paradise Days at Point Defiance Park.