New York Chapter Flower Shows
Betty Hager, Albertson, N.Y.
Always willing to try something new that will help further the knowledge of rhododendrons, the New York Chapter, for the first time, entered a Fall Flower Show on October 31st, 1970, sponsored by the North Shore Horticultural Society at Glen Cove, New York.
Chairman Miriam Dowd, with Co-Chairman Joann Knapp, concentrated on an excellent educational display which included photographs, educational charts showing leaf variation, hybridization, colors of bloom, and a list of cultural practices to be followed as well as those to be avoided. Seedling plants, as well as a box of cuttings under plastic, were on exhibit. A special slide viewing box, built by Jimmy Dowd, showed plants that are more readily available to the beginner in rhododendrons. The booth was manned by members so questions could be answered, and our cultural booklets and a source list for plants were available. Seeds were also given to visitors.
Our second public show this year was the International Flower Show held at the Coliseum in New York City, in March. Our theme was 'Naturalizing with Hardy Rhododendrons'.
Under the direction of Chairman Ray Kruse, and Co-Chairman Dennis Stewart, a dozen dedicated volunteers installed an informal planting edged with sassafras logs. Our aim was to show the gardening public what plants would be reliably hardy here and could be used to establish a natural planting in their garden in a manner that would not require heavy maintenance. Some of the plants used were: hemlocks, R. 'Catawbiense Album', 'Boule de Neige', 'Scintillation', 'Meadowbrook', 'Everestianum', 'Blue Peter', 'Windbeam' and two plants of Dorothy Schlaikjer's selected Dexter hybrids chosen for their soft colors. A mass of yellow Knaphill azaleas grown by Professor Harvey Gray were a highlight. Ground cover plants included ferns and wild flowers, with a mulch of chopped leaves.
The many friendly chapter volunteers who sat at the information table each day are responsible for making this exhibit a show favorite. We are grateful to each and every one and wish to express appreciation to Gordon E. Jones, Director of Planting Fields Arboretum, and to Fritz Krauter, who forced our plants and made our successful show possible. A Silver Certificate Award with $500 from the International Flower Show was presented to our Chapter with the Judges Report commending our exhibit for great educational value.
A total of 763 blooms graced the display tables at three New York Chapter Truss Shows this year. At our first show, held in the classroom at Planting Fields Arboretum on April 29th, early Spring blooms were judged by Gordon Jones, Ross Rossiter, and Willet Titus, with a Silver Revere Bowl for 'Best of Show' presented by Show Chairman Al Schaefer to Sidney Burns for his cross of
R. keiskei x R. racemosum.
Other blooms that received Blue ribbons were: 'P.J.M.', 'Purple Gem', Windbeam', 'Pioneer', 'Montchanin', 'Helene Curtis',
R. keiskei
, 'Twinkles',
R. hippophaeoides
, 'Cornell Pink',
R. schlippenbachii
, 'Bosuch', and a cross of R.
R. racemosum
. Recipients of these First Place honors were Sidney Burns, Joseph Cesarini. Ed Connors, Betty Hager, Leo Nielsen. Adele Reboul and Dorothy Schlaikjer.
Our mid-season show was held May 16th at Walt Whitman Shopping Plaza, Huntington, N.Y., where our Chapter feels the viewing of a wide selection of rhododendrons and azaleas by the public will radiate new interest in our Society. An Education Display featuring propagation by seeds and cuttings, along with informative literature, was set up by Show Chairman Erik Jorgensen who, with his committee, did an outstanding job. The azalea section was especially notable due to the efforts of Bob Emmerich and his daughter, Toby.
Clara Burns delightedly accepted the second Silver Bowl in the Burns family for a 'Best of Show' rhododendron 'Le Progres', a perfectly formed Caucasicum hybrid. Silver trophies were also awarded to Edythe Griffin for 'Apple Blossom' Best Evergreen Azalea; Betty Hager for
R. luteum
, Best Deciduous Azalea: Adele Reboul for
R. carolinianum
, Best Species of Show; and to Leslie Tonge, who for the second year, won 'Best Arrangement'. More entries than usual were entered into our Potted Plant class, with Ben Minamoto winning a Blue Ribbon for 'Kaempo' (
x 'Gumpo').
After Joann Knapp and Emil Hager recorded the show for posterity, the committee relaxed at luncheon before returning to answer questions for the myriad of show visitors. Thanks go to our judges, William Bowden, Joe Cesarini, Henry Feil, Harvey Gray, Fred Knapp, and Fritz Schaefer, with appreciation to the Walt Whitman Merchants Association who generously sponsored and financed our show and luncheon.
A hot sunny day ushered in our final show of the season on May 31st. Traditionally held outdoors, the show activities began at 7:30 A.M. with Show Chairman Emil Hager and Al Schefer directing the set up of tables in the courtyard of Coe Hall. The young Knapp volunteers, Lisa, Lori, and Peter, proved invaluable in the vase brigade. The Committee worked hurriedly to get all the trusses and sprays properly entered and established into classes before the judging deadline.
In spite of an occasional gust of wind that disturbed the stillness of the tables causing a sudden crash of vases (which had already been anchored with lead shot at entry time), our judges carefully examined the many blooms. Silver Bowls were awarded as follows: Best Rhododendron of Show, 'Mrs. Furnival's Daughter', Walter Maynard; Best New Hybrid of Show, Deep Purple Rhododendron, hybridized and grown by Howard Phipps; Best Evergreen Azalea of Show, 'Louise Gable', Henry Feil; and Best Deciduous Azalea of Show, 'Seville', Bruno Kaelin. Flower arrangements entered by Martha Prince were deservedly awarded First, Second and Third Place ribbons.
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Fig. 61. At New York chapter show held May 16th, best
of show trophies were happily received by (left to right), Leslie Tonge (best arrangement, featuring 'Windbeam'), Clara Burns (best rhododendron, 'Le Proress'), Edythe Griffin (best Evergreen Azalea, 'Apple Blossom'), and Betty Hager, (best Deciduous Azalea, R. luteum ). Adele Reboul (not shown) exhibited the species, R. carolinianum . Photo by Emil Hager, Jr. |
Fig. 62. Bruno Kaelin,
New York Chapter treasurer, proudly holds prize winning entry of 'Sevile', best deciduous azalea of show, at Planting Fields Arboretum. Emil Hager, Jr. photo |
After Miriam Dowd and Emil Hager did the photographic honors, the Committee joined the judges at a superb buffet luncheon thoughtfully prepared by our Show Co-Chairmen, Val and Jim McEnaney. We are grateful to our judges: Frank Arsen, Robert Gartrell, Jo Heuser, Lee Heuser, Fred Rees, and Capt. Richard Steele, as well as to Sidney Burns and Emil Hager who each donated a Silver Trophy to this show.
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Fig. 60. Judges hold best of show winners at Planting Fields
Arboretum Show, May 31, 1970. (Left to right), Robert Gartrell, Capt. Richard Steele, Jo Heuser, Lee Heuser, Frank Arsen, and Fred Rees. Photo by Emil F. Hager, Jr. |
In addition to the trophy winners listed for these two shows, Blue Ribbons were also awarded to: R. C. Bisso, Henry Dumper, Robert Emmerich, A. Fuqua, Louis Hindla, Erik Jorgensen, William Klippel, George Maberly, Jane McKay, Martha and Jordan Prince, Alfred Raustein, Doris Royce, Al Schefer, Dorothy Schlaikjer, Milton Volz, and Jacob Weiss.