QBARS - v35n1 William Bartram Chapter Awards Two Bronze Medals

William Bartram Chapter Awards Two Bronze Medals

In recognition of his contributions to the advancement of the genus rhododendron through the William Bartram Chapter we honor:

McCain Bronze Medal Award
President Curtis Sidden presents award to Carl McCain.


From the inception of organized rhododendron study in the south you have inspired and encouraged the growth of knowledge.
Through your generosity in sharing your time, plants, and wit, you have cultivated in all of us an endearment to you as well as to the genus rhododendron.
By unanimous approval of the Board of Directors of the William Bartram Chapter, we present its Bronze Medal to Carl McCain, October 25, 1980.

George and Mary Beasley Bronze Medal Award
President Curtis Sidden (right) presents award to
George and Mary Beasley


Through your hybridizing and selection, you have introduced to the entire southeast a greater knowledge and appreciation of its native azaleas.
Through your love for plants you have beautified our gardens. Through your love for mankind you have beautified our lives.
By unanimous approval of the Board of Directors of the William Bartram Chapter, we present its Bronze Medal to George and Mary Beasley, October 25, 1980.