JARS v37n1 - Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal Awards

Frederick J. Close
The Great Lakes Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society awards its Bronze Medal to Frederick J. Close for extraordinary contributions to its interest and welfare such as his work establishing the Display and Test Gardens at OARDC, Wooster, Ohio, his involvement in obtaining the grants and facilities for the national meeting of the A.R.S. at Pittsburgh, PA that made it such a success, his generous contributions of plants to the chapter auctions, his participation in the chapter show and the other support which has been generously and freely given when ever the need has arisen.

P.D. Hileman
The Great Lakes Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society awards its Bronze Medal to P.D. Hileman in grateful appreciation of the many jobs he has undertaken such as Auctioneer-extraordinaire, talented editor of the chapter newsletter, book chairman and the guiding force behind many special chapter projects.

Earl Murray
Earl Murray, rhododendron hybridizer and grower was awarded the Bronze Medal for his years of generously sharing his love of and supply of rhododendron plants.

Tom Wynn
For over 10 years of unselfish service to the Society, for the many hours spent serving in various offices, preparing for meetings, chapter workshops, rhododendron flower shows and other related functions, and your important role in the establishment of the De Anza Chapter.

Keith and Lurline Elliott
For your joint participation as Chapter Officer and Board Members, for the countless hours spent working to make our flower shows successful, for your generous contributions of plants for the plant sales, for your "beyond the call of duty" beautiful plants at the flower shows, and for your year-round support of the ARS and our Chapter.

Ross Davis, Jr.
We sincerely appreciate your diligent efforts to promote the availability of rhododendron and azalea clones suitable to the Valley Forge Chapter area, for your crisp and practical contributions, pertaining to rhododendron propagation and selection, that were published in the ARS Quarterly Bulletin, for having served us by being a member of the Tyler Arboretum committee and most of all, Ross, we thank you for enriching each one of us by being a faithful chapter member and friend.

John C. Withers
This recognition of a truly outstanding member is long overdue and richly deserved but it is impossible to recall and recite his countless contributions to our chapter and to so many of us individually as no other member has served the Middle Atlantic Chapter and its members better over so many years by his modest, unselfish, friendly, industrious and knowledgeable help as a worthy son of one of the Middle Atlantic Chapter's all-time greats.

Jack and Fleurette Evans
This award is given in recognition of the outstanding services performed during your many years as active members, for your involvement in almost every national convention committee activity and your leadership which resulted in the very successful hosting of the 1981 National Convention; and it is therefore with great respect and thanks that the California Chapter presents to you this symbol of our gratitude, the highest honor award our chapter may bestow.