JARS v48n4 - In Memoriam: Sophia Maitland

In Memoriam: Sophia Maitland
Dr. H. G. Hedges
St. George, Ontario, Canada

The Rhododendron Society of Canada (District 12 of ARS) is saddened by the loss of our president and district director. For the past two years Sophia Maitland has led us through the affiliation with the ARS and at the same time managed the affairs of the Canadian Society, and in particular the different needs and concerns of our three official regions - Toronto, Niagara, and Atlantic. A past president of the Niagara Chapter, Sophia stepped ably into the national leadership and gave strong and dedicated attention to the serious problems faced by the new structure. During her presidency, our executive met regularly at Sophia's home in Grimsby, Ontario, where she was always a generous hostess.
Sophia and her husband, Irving, maintained a fine collection of rhododendrons both at their farmhouse garden and at their retirement home.
Plans are under way to construct a rhododendron garden along the beautiful Niagara Parkway, as a memorial to Mrs. Maitland.