JARS v51n2 - ARS on the World Wide Web

ARS on the World Wide Web
Kristi O'Donnell, Electronic Media Committee Chair
Greenbank, Washington

The ARS Electronic Media Committee is pleased to announce that the ARS Homepage is now on-line on the World Wide Web. After a year of dedicated volunteer work, the ARS Homepage welcomes virtual visitors from around the globe to learn about rhododendrons, join the ARS, and find a resource list of books to further their education.
Currently upon visiting the ARS Homepage, you will be able to read the excellent ARS publication "Fundamentals of Rhododendrons and Azaleas." Other topics listed on the "menu" include: recommended reading, membership, officers and directors, chapters of the ARS, glossary and E-mail response.
We hope to add several other topics on the menu in the coming months including: links to rhododendron and botanic gardens, the ARS Seed Exchange and Pollen Bank, information about vireyas, reprinted articles from the Journal, a book availability list from the ARS and a calendar of events. Additionally, a news group for the ARS is in the works and will be accessible from the Homepage.
The address or URL for the American Rhododendron Society Homepage is: www.rhododendron.org
Sincere thanks to ARS President Herb Spady for acknowledging the potential for this project and asking that a committee be formed to take on this enormous task! Stuart Celarier, Web site coordinator and creator of Rhododendrons Galore, Bob McKenzie of the Tyler Arboretum and Keith Bowers of Meerkerk Gardens have been instrumental in organizing the data, photographs and other contributors to the site.
This Homepage, like any living thing, is a growing resource. We welcome your input in the way of articles, research items, photographs, links or suggestions.