QBARS - v5n1 Donations Received by the American Rhododendron Society Trial Gardens

Donations Received By The
American Rhododendron Society Trial Garden

The following are a list of gifts received by the American Rhododendron Society Trial Garden:

  • C. I. Sersanous, $1500.00 For the Service Fund, to defray incidental expenses of the Trial Gardens.
  • Mrs. A. C. U. Berry, 128 plants of species rhododendrons from Ward, Forrest and Rock expeditions. Two large magnolias.
  • J. G. Bacher, A group of some 35 Species, all over 18 years of age. One specimen R. calophytum , 22 years old.
  • C. P. Keied, 3 very large hybrid rhododendrons 40 years old.
  • D. W. James, 3 assorted select species
  • George Grace, 40 specimen hybrids and species of large and medium size.
  • E. R. Peterson, 10 specimen hybrid rhododendrons, assorted varieties.
  • N. Radovich, 3 medium sized hybrids.
  • C. I. Sersanous, 5 large specimen hybrids.

Labor assistance by the following members B. J. Esch, Mr. Redaway of Milwaukie, M. Hansen, R. M. Bovee. C. I. Sersanous, George De Block, F. Moser and C. Landon. Truck service, tools, peat moss and gravel donated by J. Bacher.

Work on the Trial Gardens is progressing at a favorable rate notwithstanding a most inclement fall and every opportunity to further assemble plant material is eagerly utilized. It may be stated that supplies of various nature will be required, and an appeal to all interested for donations of plant material or money is made at this time. It is the earnest endeavor of the Society to eventually have all obtainable hybrids, and species growing in the Trial Garden.

Members or non members wishing to make donations of plants are requested to contact J. G. Bacher, Chairman of the Rhododendron Trial Garden, or the Secretary Mrs. Ruth Hansen.