QBARS - v5n2 A Foliage Display

A Foliage Display

rhododendron leaves
Fig, 9:  An interesting display of rhododendron foliage at the
Eugene Oregon Rhododendron Show 1950
Overstreet photo

The illustration (Fig. 9) of various types of rhododendron foliage was taken at the Eugene, Oregon, Rhododendron Group Show in 1950. In many cases much of the beauty of the foliage is the underside of the leaf. This colorful arrangement was set up in leaf pairs, and the brilliant foliage of some of the R. arboreums , and R. arboreum hybrids was quite noticeable as were the large leaved species. Most of the specimens were taken from the garden of Del James, and many were in perfect condition even after a most severe winter.

Reading from left to right in pairs.
1st row: sinogrande , falconeri , semnoides , calophytum , Falconeri series, grande , Falconeri series, arboreum album , kyawii .

Second row: californicum , ungernii galactinum , auriculatum , fictolacteum discolor , nuttallii , arboreum .

Third row: fortunei , fulvum , campanulatum , 'Sir Charles Lemon', glischrum , cinnamomeum , smirnowii , orbiculare , eritimum , mallotum , caucasicum , oreodoxa , thomsonii .