JARS v62n1 - Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

ARS Western Regional Conference Photo Contest Winners
Newport, Oregon, September 2007

Stairway to Heaven Miss Pink
"Stairway to Heaven" by Janet Snyder , Portland Chapter,
won the People's Choice award. The photo is of the
Snyder's Stevenson, Washington, garden with an
unnamed Lem hybrid. The photo was taken
with a digital Nikon.
"Miss Pink" by Mary Crofts , Willamette Chapter, was the
Judges' First Choice. The plant was moved from nearby
woods in 1959 to what is now Mary's garden.
The photo was taken with a Pentax ZX camera and lens.

ARS Eastern Regional Conference Photo Contest Winners
Eastlake, Ohio, October 2007

R. 'Borneo' R. 'Full Metal Jacket'
'Borneo' by Steve Krebs . First place in the
"Rhododendron Plant" category.
'Full Metal Jacket' (provisional name) by Chris Trautmann . 'Angelglo' x
R. pseudochrysanthum
Exbury. First place in the "Foliage" category.