[Scholarly Communications Project]

Electronic Journals: 1996-1997

data from log files at scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/

  1997 1996 increases
1996-1997 % increase
1996-1997 Total successful requests 597,073 362,801 234,272 65% No. distinct files requested 2,264 1,084 1,180 109% No. distinct hosts served 167,808 106,747 61,061 57%   month no. of accesses
1997 no. of accesses
1996 no. increased
1996-1997 % increased
1996-1997 January 33,125 22,236 10,889 49% February 42,843 26,568 16,275 61% March 42,744 28,780 13,964 49% April 49,292 31,467 17,825 57% May 49,392 27,211 22,181 82% June 20,172 26,853 * * *2 weeks in June, 1 in Sept. missing data July 64,248 31,342 32,906 105% August 44,889 26,542 18,347 69% September 37,994 32,550 * * October 76,759 38,766 37,993 98% November 66,270 39,175 27,095 69% December 48,214 28,329 19,885 70%   domain no. of accesses
1997 no. of accesses
1996 no. increased
1996-1997 % increased
1996-1997 .edu 113,537 98,023 15,514 16% .com 144,440 75,416 69,024 92% .net 91,968 39,932 52,036 130% .org 5,323 4,284 1,039 24% .gov 3,502 2,580 922 36% .mil 1,694 1,147 547 48%   13 countries making the most requests for SCP journal files (per 1997) country no. of accesses
1997 no. of accesses
1996 no. increased
1996-1997 % increased
1996-1997 Canada 15,055 9,640 5,415 56% Australia 11,548 6,961 4,587 66% United Kingdom 8,574 4,880 3,694 76% Germany 4,557 2,454 2,103 86% Japan 3,886 2,579 1,307 51% South Korea 2,580 1,993 587 29% Malaysia 2,525 693 1,832 264% Sweden 2,371 1,669 702 42% Italy 2,140 1,380 760 55% Italy 2,140 1,380 760 55% Finland 2,126 1,462 664 45% Finland 2,126 1,462 664 45% Netherlands 2,105 1,929 176 9%

table prepared Feb. 13, 1998, on the Web Feb. 17, 1998 (GMc)