- Open the chooser under the apple menu (upper left corner of the
- Select the "Appleshare" icon in the upper left corner of the
chooser by single-clicking on it.
- Select the zone "Library (Tor)" from the list of zones in the
lower left corner by single-clicking on its name.
- Select the server "SCP Drop" from the list of servers in the
upper right corner by single-clicking on its name. Your screen should
now appear as follows:
- Click OK.
- Instead of entering a username or password, simply select the
"Guest" radio button (see below).
- On the list of available drives that appears, highlight "scpdrop"
by single-clicking its name (see below).
- Click OK.
- The folder "scpdrop" will appear on your desktop. See below:
Double-click on the "My Network Places" icon on your computer's desktop.
Double-click on the "Add Network Place" icon.
Type in "//scpdrop.lib.vt.edu/scpdrop" as shown below, then click "Next".
Enter a name for the shortcut or leave it set to the default. Click "Finish".
A shortcut will appear with the name you've selected.
You can now use the new shortcut to view the contents of the shared folder. You can open, save, or edit files just as you would on your local hard drives.