BiblioTech: Internet Accesses Fiscal Years 99-00 to 00-01

BiblioTech: Newsletter of VPI&SU Libraries

Request Type FY: 99-00 FY: 00-01 % increase
99-00 to 00-01
Successful requests 3,281 5,480 67%
Distinct files requested 7 17 143%
Distinct hosts served 696 860 24%
Domain FY: 99-00 FY: 00-01 % increase
99-00 to 00-01
.com 2,387 2,683 12%
.net 229 528 131%
.edu 128 224 75%
Country FY: 99-00 FY: 00-01 % increase
99-00 to 00-01
Germany * 990 *