VaLib: Internet Accesses Fiscal Years 99-00 to 00-01

The Journal of Virginia Libraries

Request Type FY: 99-00 FY: 00-01 % increase
99-00 to 00-01
Successful requests 29,767 33,714 13%
Distinct files requested 75 152 103%
Distinct hosts served 3,184 6,020 89%
Domain FY: 99-00 FY: 00-01 % increase
99-00 to 00-01
.com 4,810 7,649 59%
.net 1,719 3,930 129%
.edu 13,841 10,784 -22%
Country FY: 99-00 FY: 00-01 % increase
99-00 to 00-01
Canada * 234 *
Germany 514 2,527 392%
Japan * 151 *
Malaysia 205 93 -55%
Peru * 263 *
Portugal 105 34 -68%
Russia * 151 *
United Kingdom * 121 *