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Viewing Results for

2010-2012 VT ETD User Survey

1. Where do you work and/or study?

3.65%\% Government (23/630 responses)
10.63%\% Other (67/630 responses)
7.46%\% Industry / Business (47/630 responses)
61.27%\% Education: university (386/630 responses)
14.29%\% Education: college (90/630 responses)
2.7%\% Education: K-12 (17/630 responses)
97.24% of the people who took this survey
(600 / 617) answered this question.

Other Responses (67 for this question)
"civil engineering"
"computer science"
"Egyptology and Archaeology"
"engineering"( 2 ) responses
"institute"( 2 ) responses
"iotransformation and enzymes"
"islamia university bahawalpur"
"master 2 informatique"
"master degree"( 3 ) responses
"mental health"
"other"( 30 ) responses
"reciprocal teaching"
"shoe store"
"Student"( 2 ) responses
"text recognition"
"tourism"( 2 ) responses
"use of computer in elementry school"

2. What do you do? (What is your occupation?)

26.45%\% Researcher (164/620 responses)
44.68%\% Student (277/620 responses)
5.16%\% Faculty (32/620 responses)
2.1%\% Librarian (13/620 responses)
3.71%\% Administrator (23/620 responses)
9.19%\% Teacher (57/620 responses)
8.71%\% Other (54/620 responses)
96.6% of the people who took this survey
(596 / 617) answered this question.

Other Responses (54 for this question)
"civil engineer"
"Engineer"( 7 ) responses
"Engineering civil"
"financial advisor"
"IT Manager"
"IT Personnel"
"other"( 27 ) responses
"poultry industry"
"program analyst"
"tax mapper of real properties"
"Technical support"

3. What type of computer are you using?

5.93%\% Don't know (36/607 responses)
1.98%\% Unix-based (12/607 responses)
3.13%\% Mac (19/607 responses)
80.56%\% PC (489/607 responses)
8.4%\% Other (51/607 responses)
95.79% of the people who took this survey
(591 / 617) answered this question.

Other Responses (51 for this question)
"ACER AL1717"
"Acer Aspire 4920"
"hp"( 2 ) responses
"lap top"
"laptop"( 8 ) responses
"laptop axio pico"
"other"( 28 ) responses
"wireless sensor network"

4. What is the speed/type of connection are you using?

5.42%\% Slower than 14.4kbps (32/590 responses)
6.1%\% 14.4 kbps (36/590 responses)
5.42%\% 28.8 kbps (32/590 responses)
3.73%\% 36.6 kbps (22/590 responses)
12.54%\% 56 kbps (74/590 responses)
9.32%\% ISDN (55/590 responses)
10%\% Ethernet (59/590 responses)
1.86%\% T1 (11/590 responses)
12.37%\% Cable modem (73/590 responses)
33.22%\% Don't know (196/590 responses)
95.62% of the people who took this survey
(590 / 617) answered this question.

5. Are you familiar with Adobe PDF?

93.03%\% Yes (547/588 responses)
6.97%\% No (41/588 responses)
95.3% of the people who took this survey
(588 / 617) answered this question.

6. Are you familiar with online databases?

70.05%\% Yes (407/581 responses)
29.95%\% No (174/581 responses)
94.17% of the people who took this survey
(581 / 617) answered this question.

7. If you are from a university, does your institution accept electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs)?

21.75%\% No (122/561 responses)
78.25%\% Yes (439/561 responses)
90.92% of the people who took this survey
(561 / 617) answered this question.

8. If your institution does not accept ETDs, do you think it should?

32.76%\% No opinion (170/519 responses)
53.95%\% Yes (280/519 responses)
13.29%\% No (69/519 responses)
84.12% of the people who took this survey
(519 / 617) answered this question.

9. Have you ever submitted an ETD?

72.84%\% No (413/567 responses)
27.16%\% Yes (154/567 responses)
91.9% of the people who took this survey
(567 / 617) answered this question.

10. For what purpose are you using this digital library?
Check all that apply.

11.95%\% Learning about ETDs (93/778 responses)
13.62%\% Personal interest (106/778 responses)
7.97%\% Job related (62/778 responses)
64.78%\% Research (504/778 responses)
1.67%\% Other (13/778 responses)
94.98% of the people who took this survey
(586 / 617) answered this question.

Other Responses (13 for this question)
"find good topice for my thesis"
"for my dissertation"
"looking for a specific dissertation"
"on line"
"other"( 7 ) responses
"related studies for thesis writing"

11. Did you download any ETDs?
If so, how many?

24.26%\% more than 10 (115/474 responses)
8.02%\% 6-10 (38/474 responses)
13.29%\% 3-5 (63/474 responses)
54.43%\% 1-2 (258/474 responses)
76.82% of the people who took this survey
(474 / 617) answered this question.

12. If you downloaded any ETDs, how did you find them?
Please select all that apply.

24.75%\% Searched: Basic (172/695 responses)
23.6%\% Browsed by department (164/695 responses)
17.99%\% Browsed by author (125/695 responses)
19.71%\% Searched: Advanced (137/695 responses)
13.96%\% Direct link (97/695 responses)
81.69% of the people who took this survey
(504 / 617) answered this question.

13. If you downloaded any ETDs, how easy was it to find what you were looking for?

6.17%\% Very difficult (30/486 responses)
25.51%\% Difficult (124/486 responses)
25.1%\% Fairly easy (122/486 responses)
28.81%\% Easy (140/486 responses)
14.4%\% Very easy (70/486 responses)
78.77% of the people who took this survey
(486 / 617) answered this question.

14. If you searched for an ETD, how fast was the response to your search request?

3.03%\% Very slow (15/495 responses)
15.15%\% Slow (75/495 responses)
30.91%\% Fairly fast (153/495 responses)
35.76%\% Fast (177/495 responses)
15.15%\% Very fast (75/495 responses)
80.23% of the people who took this survey
(495 / 617) answered this question.

15. How often do you plan to use Virginia Tech's ETD library?

15.03%\% Rarely (81/539 responses)
22.26%\% Occasionally (120/539 responses)
15.21%\% Monthly (82/539 responses)
29.87%\% Weekly (161/539 responses)
17.63%\% Daily (95/539 responses)
87.36% of the people who took this survey
(539 / 617) answered this question.

16. How often do you plan to use other ETD libraries?

18.96%\% Occasionally (102/538 responses)
14.5%\% Monthly (78/538 responses)
34.2%\% Weekly (184/538 responses)
18.96%\% Daily (102/538 responses)
13.38%\% Rarely (72/538 responses)
87.2% of the people who took this survey
(538 / 617) answered this question.

Additional comments:
Please provide any comments about Virginia Tech's ETDs.

Text Responses (198 for this question)
"A better means of searching title contents would be helpful."
"a listing or search by topic or keywords would make it more usable. didn't look at any document because it is hard to find"
"be best"
"Can you indicate whether is is a thesis vs a dissertation. Also, can you put the year it was submitted? Thanks"
"Collect theses as much as possible"
"Congratulation about the quality of works"
"Currently, it is serving me better, please keep up"
"design management"
"Didn't find a search, just department and author browse"
"Elliptically survey"
"Excellent services"
"good" - ( 20 responses)
"good databas"
"good database"
"good lug" - ( 2 responses)
"good, because will so much people need informations from digital library like this...thank you..."
"great" - ( 2 responses)
"great site go ahead"
"help me please"
"I also need sometime to familiar with it."
"I am a new researcher, having gone back to school after 40 years. This is a gift and a joy to be able to use. Thank you"
"I am appreciate efforts of the staff of Virginia Tech's ETDs"
"I am heartily grateful to the students in VT. I learn a lot from them. When I use VT's ETDs, the search bar is not convient for me.If the paper can be searched by year, the latest paper will be easily found."
"i am interested for using u r library regularly. thanking u."
"I am very pleased with this website but I find it difficult to download files ET ETDs, How do I make it easier."
"I could not find a way to restrict my search to PhD papers or to a date range to get recent papers"
"I hope it will be a large library"
"i hope to help me im my research"
"i need thesis on innovative local revenue collection scheme"
"i recognize it only recently ,so sorry i don't now how it works"
"i think it 's beautiful"
"I want to get more full text"
"I want to say thank you"
"I was not able to locate Dr. Barbara Moseley's dissertstion, which she told me was copmleted in 2005 at Virginia Tech. That was dissappointment, since I am readin dissertaitons to gegt an idea of what is necessary to coplete one and for research purposes for a paper that i am writing for class at Argosy University, course---Advanced Academic Study and Writing, W7000 UF. thank you in kind, Miss zlen Stevenson Smith"
"i will try to use ETD"
"I will use it for the first time and hope that it will provide best results."
"Indeed, I consult your website for the first time, we'll see what it will set!"
"it depends"
"it great"
"It is a good try to use this tool"
"It is fruitful"
"it is great tech"
"It is helpful for me!"
"it is simple however, using it under chrome regime is rather difficult"
"It is so convenient."
"It is very complicated between all etd for us universities .I prefer ohio university and mit universities etd"
"it is very good"
"it is very useful"
"it is well maintained site."
"It would be nice to have the Thesis searchable by key word, department, subject and author. So far, I was only able to find them alphabetically by author's last name. However, I want to thank you for making this information available to the public"
"It's very good!"
"it's very well database I find all needs"
"its a useful source of information for research purposes"
"its good"
"its good web to find the refrance"
"its very good" - ( 2 responses)
"Iwant box research to write in it what Iwant research"
"kindly allow for restricted search"
"let me see。。"
"let other students who are not of vt to access library and data base"
"more free style"
"My Colleagues always told me that Virginia Tech ETDs are good but i found it hard to access any of it, please make easy for me to access. Thanks"
"necesito accesder a la biblioteca de Tesis"
"no" - ( 4 responses)
"NO comment"
"No comments" - ( 3 responses)
"not bad" - ( 2 responses)
"nothing" - ( 5 responses)
"ok" - ( 2 responses)
"online search is important,especiall we can download what we need,just come on and thank you."
"open more useful information freely thanks"
"open to anyone want to study"
"perfect site for getting study materials"
"pid controller of avr system by using genetic algorthim(ga)"
"Please according to the research scope search papers."
"Please give more articles"
"please help me in my thesis"
"Please include search box with filter facility. it will help in finding required information"
"Please list ETD by Guide name"
"please make your index easier to foreignor student"
"please send some english thesis for english major students"
"provide fast way to search ETDs"
"Really good and very helpful as a research tool"
"Really good in service"
"Really it is new for me and I hope to be mach benefits"
"Searching ETDs was MUCH easier before the google system. I do not like the current google search engine used for searching ETDs. Too slow. Too cumbersome. Too time consuming to have to wade through reading the abbreviated descriptor. Previous method was MUCH more efficient and MUCH easier to use."
"sorry ,but this is the first time i come here"
"sorry i do not know about it"
"thank for help us"
"thank you" - ( 5 responses)
"Thank you for making your information available"
"thank you for your help"
"thank you very much"
"thank you!"
"thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"
"thanks" - ( 6 responses)
"THANKS 4 the possibility!!!!!"
"thanks for your job"
"thanks very alot for your service"
"the ETD should browsed by time."
"The search options are not effective and you don't have any advanced search possibility."
"Thes is a very good site"
"this is the first time i will use ETD"
"this is very good service for everyone"
"Thought and Ali Mubarak's efforts in educational reform education in Egypt in the period of 1823-1893"
"Ti's useful and helpful for my study and my work!I'm very appreciate it!"
"Tt seems strong."
"verey useful"
"very good" - ( 8 responses)
"very good library, very useful to reseachers"
"very good service for students doing research"
"very good thesis and dissertations"
"very good!"
"very helpful for every kind of people related to education."
"very importan to my activity as lecture in university" - ( 2 responses)
"very well"
"Virginia university is great and challenging"
"want to have a look."
"wavelet transform in seismic"
"Wish I could browse by key words."
"You are the first helpfull university I ever seen."

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Generated at 04:57 pm on Monday, October 26th, 2015