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Viewing Results for EReserve Fall 1999 Student Survey

1.Have you used E-Reserve this semester?

6%\% No (6/100 responses)
94%\% Yes (94/100 responses)
78.74% of the people who took this survey
(100 / 127) answered this question.

1a.If "yes" how did you find out about E-Reserve?

1.02%\% Publicity (1/98 responses)
0%\% Library Staff (0/98 responses)
4.08%\% Fellow Student (4/98 responses)
93.88%\% Instructor (92/98 responses)
1.02%\% Other (1/98 responses)
74.02% of the people who took this survey
(94 / 127) answered this question.

1b.If "no", please indicate why you have not used E-Reserve?
Skip to question 15.

0%\% My instructor only used traditional library reserve materials (0/6 responses)
0%\% My instructor maintains a seperate class web page (0/6 responses)
83.33%\% Other (5/6 responses)
16.67%\% My instructor has no materials on E-Reserve (1/6 responses)
0%\% I do not have access to a computer (0/6 responses)
4.72% of the people who took this survey
(6 / 127) answered this question.

2. How many of your classes this semester have E-Reserve materials?

5.17%\% 4 or more (6/116 responses)
6.9%\% 3 (8/116 responses)
24.14%\% 2 (28/116 responses)
63.79%\% 1 (74/116 responses)
90.55% of the people who took this survey
(115 / 127) answered this question.

3. How many of your classes this semester have web pages or other electronic materials to support instruction?

51.79%\% 4 or more (58/112 responses)
21.43%\% 3 (24/112 responses)
17.86%\% 2 (20/112 responses)
8.93%\% 1 (10/112 responses)
88.19% of the people who took this survey
(112 / 127) answered this question.

4. Approximately how many times have you used E-Reserve this semester?

50.88%\% 7 or more (58/114 responses)
20.18%\% 4-6 (23/114 responses)
28.95%\% 1-3 (33/114 responses)
89.76% of the people who took this survey
(114 / 127) answered this question.

5. Where do you accesss E-Reserve most frequently?

7.5%\% Computer lab (9/120 responses)
5.83%\% Library (7/120 responses)
78.33%\% Home (94/120 responses)
8.33%\% Other (10/120 responses)
91.34% of the people who took this survey
(116 / 127) answered this question.

Other Responses (10 for this question)
"boyfriend's apartment"
"dorm"( 2 ) responses
"math emporium"
"office"( 2 ) responses
"other"( 2 ) responses
"Scholarly Communications"

6. E-Reserve is...

3.45%\% Not user-friendly (4/116 responses)
5.17%\% Slightly user-friendly (6/116 responses)
35.34%\% Somewhat user-friendly (41/116 responses)
56.03%\% Very user-friendly (65/116 responses)
91.34% of the people who took this survey
(116 / 127) answered this question.

7. If you found E-Reserve user-unfriendly, please check the reasons below.

12.5%\% Library staff not helpful. (4/32 responses)
18.75%\% Too difficult to download or print materials. (6/32 responses)
31.25%\% Too many steps required to get to course listings. (10/32 responses)
37.5%\% Other (12/32 responses)
18.11% of the people who took this survey
(23 / 127) answered this question.

Other Responses (12 for this question)
"access denied from apartment and no instructions on how to connect from a non-vt based proxy server"
"can not manipulate materials adjusting background color for better printing"
"can't bookmark page for ME 4015. bookmark sends me to general course listings."
"Denied Access and printing problems"
"found it what?"
"Hard to find instructors' names"
"my off-campus server wouldn't work"
"other"( 2 ) responses
"should allow sub-directories for posted materials"
"The different materials posted need to have a date of when they were posted next to them"
"There is no longer a direct link to ereserve from the library home page :("

8. Have you ever needed help using E-Reserve?

13.16%\% Yes (15/114 responses)
86.84%\% No (99/114 responses)
89.76% of the people who took this survey
(114 / 127) answered this question.

9. If yes, was the library staff helpful?

31.25%\% No (5/16 responses)
68.75%\% Yes (11/16 responses)
12.6% of the people who took this survey
(16 / 127) answered this question.

10. E-Reserve is...

4.27%\% Inconvenient (5/117 responses)
5.13%\% Slightly convenient (6/117 responses)
29.06%\% Somewhat convenient (34/117 responses)
61.54%\% Very convenient (72/117 responses)
92.13% of the people who took this survey
(117 / 127) answered this question.

11. Which do you prefer?

92.24%\% Using E-Reserve. (107/116 responses)
7.76%\% Checking out materials from the Reserve Desk. (9/116 responses)
91.34% of the people who took this survey
(116 / 127) answered this question.

12. Not all class web pages are linked to E-Reserve. Would you like to have all instructors link web pages supporting their classes to E-Reserve?

80%\% Yes (92/115 responses)
20%\% No (23/115 responses)
90.55% of the people who took this survey
(115 / 127) answered this question.

13. Please include any additional comments you may have on E-Reserve.

Text Responses (20 for this question)
" EReserve should be promoted and advertised very broadly so that faculty not only know it exists, but feel conspicuous if they don't use it."
" It is exteremely difficult to download pages. I've never done so before and I can't find instructions on how to do so anywhere on the e reserve web page."
"(Same as above) It would be very helpful if the date the articles were posted appeared next to the e-reserve articles"
"A direct link to the ereserve main page would be nice to have on the library home page, you currently have to hunt around to find the ereserve stuff."
"access denied from my apartment and no instructions on how to gain access from a non-vt based proxy server (there is a broken linkto the instructions page"
"dislike having to go through a proxy server to acess information."
"E-Reserve allows both the instructor and the student to exchange friendly communication, specially in terms of academic matters."
"ereserve is great"
"I wish this denied access would be eliminated. I do not see the purpose, because who really wants notes to our classes expect us the students any way. In addition to that the printing errors are terrible. This is a great program if these problem were fixed."
"If you bookmark your pages then the e-reserve is not any better or worse than a normal webpage. I think each department should have it's own website and e-reserve shouldn't be used at all."
"It is wonderful. I am able to read at any time from anywhere. This beats the hell out of the old system way back in 1978-1982. Just told you my age, didn't I? "
"It would be much more economical just to have these materials printed and sold."
"it's easier when instructors have these types of notes/readings available directly from their website."
"Love it, back end is a pain in the butt but pretty nice front end."
"Organization is key.....there should be a provision to for sub-directories to make finding materials easier. For example, you may have a sub-directory for each chapter of a book."
"The major draw back I get from this media is that Professors give extra readings, and when more than one professor assigns materials through erserve readings on top of the text book readings quickly adds up. I have had nights when I have had 350 pages of reading from three classes due to Professors using both texts and ereserve..."
"the reason i have problems with e-reserves is that the instructor i have that uses e-reserves put twenty to thrity pages under each topic and i can't just print out the pages i want"
"This is inaccessible!!!!!!"
"web page linking goes w/comment above. if I can't bookmark the ME 4015 class page, I find E-Reserve not as convenient as possible. 2nd comment: E-Reserve is tied to the modem pool. I find it frustrating and unfair if I plan to access E-Reserve from my apartment for convenience (and since it is more expensive to print pages on campus) and am unable to dial in, or get kicked off while using or downloading information. all E-Reserve material should be avilable in printed format free of charge to all students (maybe it is, if so email unless Tech upgrades it's modem connections, especially since all freshmen now must have computers (ie more modem lines to tie up when they move off-campus). as great a technological effort that this university and the library try to push through programs such as E-Reserve, if Tech can't provide the modem lines for students to access the information, I think it's all a big joke and something to show-off to those who never use it. It's nice to say Virginia Tech is at the foreffront of technology and incorporates E-Reserve into classroom use, but if off-campus students can't consistently access the information it's not entirely true. While this doens't affect the money incoming from old alumni, it will affect my contributions unless the problem is solved (ie access for all users off campus). Thanks."
"why does it keep saying I can't access the informatio"

14. Which of your courses have E-Reserve materials?
Please indicate whatever information you have (Department, Course Number, Instructor) about the courses you have taken that have used EReserve materials.

Text Responses (116 for this question)
" Lib 9999"
"BCHM 4124, Index: 4509"
"BIOL 2804, Index: 4672" - ( 3 responses)
"CHE 2984, Index: 9183"
"CHE 3164, Index: 4776 chem 4424"
"CHE 3164, Index: 4776" - ( 4 responses)
"COMM 1014, Index: 5166 phil"
"COMM 1014, Index: 5166" - ( 5 responses)
"ECPE 5105, Index: 5777, Besieres ECPE 5015, Index: 5776, Riad"
"ECPE 5605, Index: 5788"
"ENGL 1106, Index: 9315"
"ENGL 1106, Index: 9316" - ( 2 responses)
"ENGL 2244, Index: 6128" - ( 2 responses)
"ENGL 2314, Index: 6133"
"ENGL 2604, Index: 6145 LDRS 1015, Assar/Wise"
"ENGL 2604, Index: 6147"
"FCD 4984, Index: 9127"
"FIW 2114, Index: 6374" - ( 2 responses)
"FIW 5224, Index: 6388"
"FOR 2554, Index: 6439"
"GEOG 4084, Index: 6533"
"GEOL 1024, Index: 6557 PSYC 2004"
"GEOL 1024, Index: 6557" - ( 15 responses)
"GEOL 1024, Index: 6557, instructor-Dr. Bodnar"
"GEOL 1024, Index: 6558" - ( 10 responses)
"GEOL 1124, Index: 6602"
"HIST 3715, Index: 6735 "
"HUM 1704, Index: 6962 BCHM 4115 Gregory"
"HUM 1704, Index: 6962"
"HUM 1704, Index: 6963" - ( 2 responses)
"ISE 5694, Index: 7056"
"ME 2024, Index: 7654" - ( 2 responses)
"ME 3114, Index: 7660"
"ME 4015, Index: 7683" - ( 2 responses)
"ME 4015, Index: 7695 ME 4015 Nelson (above) and Mitchell."
"ME 4504, Index: 7705"
"ME 4504, Index: 9349"
"ME 5714, Index: 7737" - ( 2 responses)
"PHIL 1204, Index: 8025 "
"PHIL 1204, Index: 8027"
"PHIL 1204, Index: 8029"
"PHIL 1204, Index: 8030 "
"PHIL 1304, Index: 8046" - ( 2 responses)
"PHIL 2115, Index: 8049" - ( 2 responses)
"PPWS 5524, Index: 8317 "
"PSCI 5354, Index: 9046"
"REL 1034, Index: 9264 ChE 3114, Thermodynamics Dr. Eva Marand"
"REL 1034, Index: 9264 COMM 1014 Index: 5166"
"REL 1034, Index: 9264"
"soc 1004"
"SOC 1004, Index: 8547" - ( 15 responses)
"SOC 2004, Index: 8552"
"SOC 3414, Index: 8567 SOC 2004 Hist 4034, Index 6739"
"SOC 3414, Index: 8567 SOC 3014"
"SOC 3414, Index: 8567"
"STAT 4604, Index: 8641 : doug Nelson special studies"
"UAP 4984, Index: 8767" - ( 3 responses)
"UAP 4984, Index: 8767 - Professor Jesse Richardson"
"WOOD 4984, Index: 9062"

15. I am a...

7.63%\% Graduate Student (9/118 responses)
22.88%\% Senior (27/118 responses)
1.69%\% Other (2/118 responses)
2.54%\% Continuing Education Student (3/118 responses)
19.49%\% Sophomore (23/118 responses)
13.56%\% Junior (16/118 responses)
32.2%\% First-Year (38/118 responses)
92.13% of the people who took this survey
(117 / 127) answered this question.

Other Responses (2 for this question)
"returning to school after 17 years!!!"
"Staff member"

16. I live...

7.56%\% Other (9/119 responses)
7.56%\% Off Campus-Private Home (9/119 responses)
35.29%\% Off Campus-Apartment (42/119 responses)
49.58%\% On Campus (59/119 responses)
92.91% of the people who took this survey
(118 / 127) answered this question.

Other Responses (9 for this question)
"off campus"
"other rental"( 7 ) responses

17. I access campus electronic resources most frequently via...

28.21%\% Inbound modem pool (33/117 responses)
71.79%\% Ethernet (84/117 responses)
92.13% of the people who took this survey
(117 / 127) answered this question.

18. My computer is...

70.34%\% PC compatible (83/118 responses)
5.93%\% Other (7/118 responses)
3.39%\% Apple/Macintosh (4/118 responses)
20.34%\% IBM (24/118 responses)
89.76% of the people who took this survey
(114 / 127) answered this question.

Other Responses (7 for this question)
"gateway"( 4 ) responses
"pentinum II"

19. How experienced are you with computers?

2.56%\% Not experienced (3/117 responses)
7.69%\% Slightly experienced (9/117 responses)
47.86%\% Somewhat experienced (56/117 responses)
41.88%\% Very experienced (49/117 responses)
92.13% of the people who took this survey
(117 / 127) answered this question.

20. Prior to using E-Reserve, had you ever accessed PDF files?

73.45%\% Yes (83/113 responses)
26.55%\% No (30/113 responses)
88.98% of the people who took this survey
(113 / 127) answered this question.

21. Prior to using E-Reserve, did you use the Internet extensively?

9.48%\% No (11/116 responses)
90.52%\% Yes (105/116 responses)
91.34% of the people who took this survey
(116 / 127) answered this question.

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Generated at 05:02 pm on Monday, October 26th, 2015