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Viewing Results for E Reserve Spring 2000 Instructor Survey

1.Are you using E-Reserve this semester?

50%\% Yes (1/2 responses)
50%\% No (1/2 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

1a. If "yes", how did you learn about E-Reserve?
Check all that apply.

40%\% Library staff (2/5 responses)
20%\% FDI session (1/5 responses)
20%\% Colleague (1/5 responses)
20%\% Publicity (1/5 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

1b. If "no", please indicate why you do not use E-Reserve.
Check all that apply, then go to question 8 and then to question 14.

33.33%\% I maintain a seperate class web page (1/3 responses)
33.33%\% I do not use reserve materials in class (1/3 responses)
33.33%\% I use only traditional library reserve (1/3 responses)
33.33% of the people who took this survey
(1 / 3) answered this question.

2. How many of your classes this semester have E-Reserve materials?

50%\% 1 class (1/2 responses)
50%\% 3 or more classes (1/2 responses)
0%\% 2 classes (0/2 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

3. What types of material do you post on E-Reserve?
Please check all that apply.

11.11%\% Course syllabus (1/9 responses)
11.11%\% Homework solutions (1/9 responses)
11.11%\% Lecture notes (1/9 responses)
22.22%\% Supplemental readings (2/9 responses)
22.22%\% Other (2/9 responses)
11.11%\% Slides/overheads (1/9 responses)
11.11%\% Assignments (1/9 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

Other Responses (2 for this question)
"other for #3"

4. How long have you been posting materials on E-reserve?

0%\% 1 semester (0/2 responses)
100%\% 4 or more semesters (2/2 responses)
0%\% 3 semesters (0/2 responses)
0%\% 2 semesters (0/2 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

5. How many of your classes have web pages or other electronic materials to support instruction?

0%\% 1 class (0/2 responses)
100%\% 3 or more classes (2/2 responses)
0%\% 2 classes (0/2 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

6. If your classes are supported by web pages, where are these pages stored?

50%\% Departmental server (1/2 responses)
0%\% Own computer/server (0/2 responses)
50%\% Library server (1/2 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

7. If your class web pages are stored on your own or departmental computer, are they linked to E-Reserve?

50%\% Yes (1/2 responses)
50%\% No (1/2 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

8. If your class web pages or other electronic materials are not linked to E-Reserve, would you consider adding a link?

0%\% Yes (0/1 responses)
100%\% No (1/1 responses)
33.33% of the people who took this survey
(1 / 3) answered this question.

If "no", please indicate why you would not be willing to add a link to E-Reserve.

Text Responses (1 for this question)
"no for #8"

9. How frequently do you update E-Reserve materials?

50%\% Never (1/2 responses)
50%\% As needed during semester (1/2 responses)
0%\% Weekly (0/2 responses)
0%\% Daily (0/2 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

10. If you maintain class web pages, how frequently do you update these pages?

50%\% Never (1/2 responses)
0%\% As needed during semester (0/2 responses)
50%\% Weekly (1/2 responses)
0%\% Daily (0/2 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

11. E-Reserve is an excellent way to make class materials available to students.

0%\% Disagree (0/2 responses)
0%\% Somewhat agree (0/2 responses)
0%\% Agree (0/2 responses)
50%\% Strongly agree (1/2 responses)
50%\% Strongly disagree (1/2 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

12. Students find E-Reserve easy to use.

0%\% Disagree (0/2 responses)
0%\% Somewhat agree (0/2 responses)
0%\% Agree (0/2 responses)
50%\% Strongly agree (1/2 responses)
50%\% Stongly disagree (1/2 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

13. Students find having access to class materials on E-Reserve helpful.

50%\% Strongly disagree (1/2 responses)
0%\% Disagree (0/2 responses)
0%\% Somewhat agree (0/2 responses)
0%\% Agree (0/2 responses)
50%\% Strongly agree (1/2 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

14. My computer is...

0%\% IBM (0/2 responses)
0%\% PC compatible (0/2 responses)
50%\% Apple/Macintosh (1/2 responses)
50%\% Other (1/2 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

15. How experienced are you with computers?

0%\% Very experienced (0/2 responses)
50%\% Experienced (1/2 responses)
0%\% Somewhat experienced (0/2 responses)
50%\% Not experienced (1/2 responses)
66.67% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 3) answered this question.

16. Please indicate your department.

Text Responses (2 for this question)

dla home
etds imagebase journals news ereserve special collections
virgnia tech home contact dla university libraries
Generated at 05:04 pm on Monday, October 26th, 2015