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Viewing Results for ETD Preservation Pilot Partners

Name of the person completing the survey

Text Responses (2 for this question)
"Ana Maria Beltran Pavani (GMc)"
"Bill Donovan, ETD Administrator (GMc)"

Name of your institution

Text Responses (2 for this question)
"Boston College"
"Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro"

How many ETDs does your institution have today?

Text Responses (2 for this question)

How many ETDs do you estimate that your institution will add by this time next year?

Text Responses (2 for this question)

Is every ETD a uniquely named file?

100%\% Yes (2/2 responses)
0%\% No (0/2 responses)
100% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 2) answered this question.

Does your institution have guidelines/requirements for naming ETD file(s)?

100%\% Yes (1/1 responses)
0%\% No (0/1 responses)
50% of the people who took this survey
(1 / 2) answered this question.

If you have ETD file naming guidelines or requirements, what are they?

Text Responses (2 for this question)
"LastName-FirstName-Middle.pdf (hyphens, no dates, middlename or initial)"
"UNFORTUNATELY, PUC-Rio requires 1 file per chapter. The average number of files per ETD is 7.16. Almost all old ones (retrospective digitization and the ones deposited before ETDs became mandatory) have 1 file per ETD. Each title has a control number on the DB; so each ETD has one. This number is a sequential number generated by the system and old numbers (deleted contents – common with courseware!) are NOT used again."

Are each students' ETD file(s) in a unique named directory?

100%\% Yes (2/2 responses)
0%\% No (0/2 responses)
100% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 2) answered this question.

If so, how is the directory named?
For example, ETD-db assigns each student a URN based on the date and time they logged in and began the submission process.

Text Responses (2 for this question)
"A DigiTool system number serves as the unique identifier. A unique handle is also assigned to each ETD."
"The name of each directory is the number of the title. For our example, the name of the directory would be 12345. Since ETDs are partioned, each partition has a sequential number counted in the context of the content. The file identification is composed as: ControlNumber_SequentialPartitionNumber.ExtensionName The extension name is written using capital letters. Example: the second file of the ETD whose control number is 12345 is: 12345_2.PDF   "

Does your institution accept ETDs that are comprised of more than one file?

100%\% Yes (2/2 responses)
0%\% No (0/2 responses)
100% of the people who took this survey
(2 / 2) answered this question.

If your institution's ETDs are in an institutional repository, which one?

Text Responses (2 for this question)
"It is a locally developed system ("
"We have our own; it employs the DigiTool asset management system."

Does your institution accept more than e-theses and e-dissertations, and if so, what?
(e.g., Bachelor's theses, Master's reports, etc.)

Text Responses (2 for this question)
"Senior Honors theses (licentiates coming)"
"Yes! We publish senior projects – they are a requirement for all undergradute courses in Brazil. Currently, depositing in digital format is not a requiement at PUC-Rio, but the Dean of Undergaduate Studies plans to make a requiment in the future. At the moment, we have approximately 1,900 of them. We are planning to add monographs that are mandatory for some extension courses that are longer than 360 hr – these courses are quite common and are called “Specialization Courses”. People who graduate from them are “Specialists”. To be admitted the person must have an undergrad degree."

How are your ETDs organized?
(e.g., one collection of theses and one of dissertations; or a separate collection of ETDs for each year; or ...)

Text Responses (2 for this question)
"ETDs are just one more type of contents on our IR. They are classified as “Theses” according to the DC taxonomy, but they are treated as any contents. They can be grouped in many different ways through applications of the system – by selecting the proper fields of the DB. We acan retrieve them by level (M/D), graduate program, research area, supervisor, year, type of financial support, etc."
"We will be organizing them chronologically, two installments per year."

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Generated at 04:56 pm on Monday, October 26th, 2015