Total successful requests: 14 344
Average successful requests per day: 39
Total successful requests for pages: 14 344
Total failed requests: 79
Total redirected requests: 24
Number of distinct files requested: 50
Number of distinct hosts served: 3 875
Corrupt logfile lines: 17 801
Unwanted logfile entries: 1 695 061
Total data transferred: 182 674 kbytes
Average data transferred per day: 511 486 bytes
(Go To: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)
(Go To: Top: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)
Each unit () represents 50 requests for pages, or part thereof.
month: pages: -------- ----- Jan 1996: 1420:Feb 1996: 1973:
Mar 1996: 1816:
Apr 1996: 1601:
May 1996: 893:
Jun 1996: 817:
Jul 1996: 1017:
Aug 1996: 751:
Sep 1996: 1254:
Oct 1996: 1120:
Nov 1996: 981:
Dec 1996: 701:
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)
Each unit () represents 15 requests for pages, or part thereof.
week beg.: pages: --------- ----- 31/Dec/95: 331:7/Jan/96: 301:
14/Jan/96: 180:
21/Jan/96: 367:
28/Jan/96: 489:
4/Feb/96: 455:
11/Feb/96: 452:
18/Feb/96: 438:
25/Feb/96: 548:
3/Mar/96: 358:
10/Mar/96: 412:
17/Mar/96: 412:
24/Mar/96: 414:
31/Mar/96: 394:
7/Apr/96: 355:
14/Apr/96: 383:
21/Apr/96: 402:
28/Apr/96: 371:
5/May/96: 296:
12/May/96: 147:
19/May/96: 111:
26/May/96: 97:
2/Jun/96: 140:
9/Jun/96: 170:
16/Jun/96: 247:
23/Jun/96: 233:
30/Jun/96: 205:
7/Jul/96: 280:
14/Jul/96: 249:
21/Jul/96: 210:
28/Jul/96: 147:
4/Aug/96: 222:
11/Aug/96: 156:
18/Aug/96: 124:
25/Aug/96: 192:
1/Sep/96: 380:
8/Sep/96: 325:
15/Sep/96: 165:
22/Sep/96: 336:
29/Sep/96: 203:
6/Oct/96: 244:
13/Oct/96: 273:
20/Oct/96: 334:
27/Oct/96: 160:
3/Nov/96: 247:
10/Nov/96: 205:
17/Nov/96: 192:
24/Nov/96: 291:
1/Dec/96: 186:
8/Dec/96: 202:
15/Dec/96: 183:
22/Dec/96: 78:
29/Dec/96: 52:
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)
Each unit () represents 50 requests for pages, or part thereof.
day: pages: --- ----- Sun: 1528:Mon: 2116:
Tue: 2212:
Wed: 2332:
Thu: 2235:
Fri: 2155:
Sat: 1766:
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)
Each unit () represents 60 requests for pages, or part thereof.
hr: pages: -- ----- 0: 375:1: 294:
2: 319:
3: 3123:
4: 1758:
5: 539:
6: 263:
7: 251:
8: 409:
9: 317:
10: 561:
11: 517:
12: 476:
13: 586:
14: 528:
15: 510:
16: 544:
17: 619:
18: 363:
19: 380:
20: 429:
21: 402:
22: 376:
23: 405:
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Directory report: File type report: Request report)
Printing all domains with at least 10 requests, sorted by number of requests.
#reqs: %bytes: domain ----- ------ ------ 7547: 50.95%: .edu (USA Educational) 2354: 16.93%: .com (Commercial, mainly USA) 2045: 14.11%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 895: 6.26%: .net (Network) 269: 5.44%: .us (United States) 182: 1.42%: .ca (Canada) 163: 0.85%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations) 117: 0.29%: .tw (Taiwan) 104: 0.50%: .uk (United Kingdom) 103: 0.50%: .au (Australia) 78: 0.06%: .de (Germany) 68: 0.52%: .gov (USA Government) 65: 0.35%: [unknown] 45: 0.14%: .fi (Finland) 27: 0.11%: .jp (Japan) 21: 0.08%: .it (Italy) 20: 0.08%: .hk (Hong Kong) 19: 0.12%: .mx (Mexico) 18: 0.10%: .mil (USA Military) 16: 0.06%: .my (Malaysia) 13: 0.20%: .arpa (Old style Arpanet) 13: 0.08%: .kr (South Korea) 13: 0.07%: .no (Norway) 12: 0.03%: .pl (Poland) 11: 0.07%: .se (Sweden) 10: 0.06%: .fr (France) 10: 0.03%: .gr (Greece) 10: 0.07%: .nl (Netherlands)
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: File type report: Request report)
Printing all directories with at least 10 requests,
sorted alphabetically.
Printing directories to depth 5.
#reqs: %bytes: directory ----- ------ --------- 1947: 3.86%: /ejournals/CATALYST/ 24: : /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/ 3186: 20.40%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N2/ 2577: 19.17%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N4/ 2992: 32.50%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N1/ 3618: 24.07%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N2/
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: Request report)
Printing all extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: extension ----- ------ --------- 14171: 99.98%: .html
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report)
Printing all requested files with at least 10 requests, sorted alphabetically.
#reqs: %bytes: file ----- ------ ---- 77: 0.01%: /ejournals/CATALYST/ 24: : /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/ 18: : /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N2/ 243: 1.42%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N2/beckman.html 205: 1.27%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N2/breeding.html 178: 0.11%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N2/catexchange.html 319: 3.39%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N2/deckelbaum.html 181: 0.42%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N2/editor.html 192: 1.30%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N2/erwin.html 190: 0.51%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N2/giovannini.html 296: 0.55%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N2/habel.html 339: 7.02%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N2/hilbert.html 451: 2.89%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N2/pierce.html 397: 0.79%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N2/toc.html 177: 0.74%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N2/wells.html 17: : /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N4/ 202: 0.67%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N4/crawford.html 326: 3.55%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N4/deckelbaum.html 190: 0.33%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N4/editor.html 275: 0.96%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N4/johnstone.html 306: 5.64%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N4/katsinas.html 272: 1.70%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N4/leisner.html 255: 3.11%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N4/phelan.html 438: 0.78%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N4/toc.html 296: 2.44%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V23/N4/towles.html 17: : /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N1/ 237: 2.04%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N1/deckelbaum.html 204: 0.29%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N1/editor.html 238: 0.51%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N1/email2.html 237: 0.56%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N1/index_aut.html 265: 0.64%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N1/index_sub.html 494: 19.11%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N1/katsinas.html 234: 3.17%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N1/leitzel.html 300: 4.36%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N1/mcllvain.html 566: 1.04%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N1/toc.html 200: 0.78%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N1/venditti.html 20: : /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N2/ 243: 0.36%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N2/editor.html 131: 1.21%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N2/eric.html 403: 4.94%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N2/hazell.html 300: 2.67%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N2/kantor.html 257: 2.52%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N2/kaufman.html 324: 1.71%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N2/oberst.html 293: 2.94%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N2/parks.html 270: 1.36%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N2/skean.html 801: 1.55%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N2/toc.html 295: 2.25%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N2/trounstine.html 281: 2.55%: /ejournals/CATALYST/V24N2/wang.html 37: 0.32%: /ejournals/CATALYST/ 1833: 3.54%: /ejournals/CATALYST/catalyst.html
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)