Total successful requests: 8 428
Average successful requests per day: 23
Total successful requests for pages: 8 428
Total failed requests: 260
Total redirected requests: 12
Number of distinct files requested: 45
Number of distinct hosts served: 3 492
Corrupt logfile lines: 17 801
Unwanted logfile entries: 1 700 808
Total data transferred: 473 114 kbytes
Average data transferred per day: 1 295 kbytes
(Go To: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)
(Go To: Top: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)
Each unit () represents 30 requests for pages, or part thereof.
month: pages: -------- ----- Jan 1996: 166:Feb 1996: 223:
Mar 1996: 268:
Apr 1996: 339:
May 1996: 442:
Jun 1996: 640:
Jul 1996: 752:
Aug 1996: 763:
Sep 1996: 1007:
Oct 1996: 1421:
Nov 1996: 1435:
Dec 1996: 972:
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)
Each unit () represents 10 requests for pages, or part thereof.
week beg.: pages: --------- ----- 31/Dec/95: 16:7/Jan/96: 27:
14/Jan/96: 60:
21/Jan/96: 42:
28/Jan/96: 32:
4/Feb/96: 44:
11/Feb/96: 57:
18/Feb/96: 57:
25/Feb/96: 78:
3/Mar/96: 69:
10/Mar/96: 42:
17/Mar/96: 69:
24/Mar/96: 55:
31/Mar/96: 71:
7/Apr/96: 76:
14/Apr/96: 81:
21/Apr/96: 100:
28/Apr/96: 59:
5/May/96: 86:
12/May/96: 123:
19/May/96: 99:
26/May/96: 105:
2/Jun/96: 78:
9/Jun/96: 175:
16/Jun/96: 145:
23/Jun/96: 210:
30/Jun/96: 146:
7/Jul/96: 185:
14/Jul/96: 223:
21/Jul/96: 148:
28/Jul/96: 100:
4/Aug/96: 244:
11/Aug/96: 114:
18/Aug/96: 164:
25/Aug/96: 213:
1/Sep/96: 187:
8/Sep/96: 209:
15/Sep/96: 194:
22/Sep/96: 284:
29/Sep/96: 381:
6/Oct/96: 257:
13/Oct/96: 350:
20/Oct/96: 369:
27/Oct/96: 253:
3/Nov/96: 349:
10/Nov/96: 348:
17/Nov/96: 361:
24/Nov/96: 321:
1/Dec/96: 346:
8/Dec/96: 276:
15/Dec/96: 166:
22/Dec/96: 129:
29/Dec/96: 55:
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)
Each unit () represents 30 requests for pages, or part thereof.
day: pages: --- ----- Sun: 922:Mon: 1283:
Tue: 1411:
Wed: 1356:
Thu: 1291:
Fri: 1128:
Sat: 1037:
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)
Each unit () represents 10 requests for pages, or part thereof.
hr: pages: -- ----- 0: 290:1: 249:
2: 150:
3: 199:
4: 190:
5: 167:
6: 160:
7: 215:
8: 239:
9: 349:
10: 531:
11: 476:
12: 462:
13: 426:
14: 525:
15: 484:
16: 490:
17: 492:
18: 364:
19: 335:
20: 385:
21: 401:
22: 451:
23: 398:
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Directory report: File type report: Request report)
Printing all domains with at least 10 requests, sorted by number of requests.
#reqs: %bytes: domain ----- ------ ------ 2103: 76.31%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 1709: 5.95%: .edu (USA Educational) 1636: 6.90%: .com (Commercial, mainly USA) 1183: 4.28%: .net (Network) 264: 0.89%: .ca (Canada) 254: 0.91%: .au (Australia) 154: 0.56%: .uk (United Kingdom) 148: 0.55%: .us (United States) 114: 0.39%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations) 110: 0.41%: .fi (Finland) 106: 0.45%: .kr (South Korea) 66: 0.20%: [unknown] 52: 0.18%: .sg (Singapore) 49: 0.15%: .nl (Netherlands) 44: 0.17%: .gov (USA Government) 39: 0.14%: .se (Sweden) 29: 0.10%: .tw (Taiwan) 25: 0.06%: .il (Israel) 23: 0.11%: .it (Italy) 23: 0.11%: .my (Malaysia) 22: 0.11%: .nz (New Zealand) 20: 0.09%: .bz (Belize) 19: 0.06%: .mil (USA Military) 18: 0.08%: .fr (France) 18: 0.09%: .ie (Ireland) 18: 0.09%: .jp (Japan) 17: 0.09%: .es (Spain) 15: 0.06%: .pl (Poland) 15: 0.07%: .th (Thailand) 13: 0.05%: .dk (Denmark) 13: 0.06%: .no (Norway) 13: 0.03%: .pt (Portugal) 10: 0.05%: .de (Germany) 10: 0.02%: .hk (Hong Kong)
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: File type report: Request report)
Printing all directories with at least 10 requests,
sorted alphabetically.
Printing directories to depth 5.
#reqs: %bytes: directory ----- ------ --------- 1856: 0.45%: /ejournals/JVTE/ 727: 3.23%: /ejournals/JVTE/v11n1/ 3323: 15.12%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/ 1661: 8.13%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n2/ 861: 73.08%: /ejournals/JVTE/v13n1/
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: Request report)
Printing all extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: extension ----- ------ --------- 5893: 84.11%: .html 2380: 15.88%: .htm
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report)
Printing all requested files with at least 10 requests, sorted alphabetically.
#reqs: %bytes: file ----- ------ ---- 82: : /ejournals/JVTE/ 1774: 0.45%: /ejournals/JVTE/jvte.html 29: : /ejournals/JVTE/v11n1/ 23: 0.03%: /ejournals/JVTE/v11n1/ABSTRACT.htm 65: 0.59%: /ejournals/JVTE/v11n1/CERTART.htm 15: 0.01%: /ejournals/JVTE/v11n1/EDITOR.htm 10: 0.08%: /ejournals/JVTE/v11n1/EMPL-INV.htm 138: 1.05%: /ejournals/JVTE/v11n1/SELFDIR.htm 274: 1.20%: /ejournals/JVTE/v11n1/SWOT.htm 29: 0.23%: /ejournals/JVTE/v11n1/WORK-PER.htm 144: 0.03%: /ejournals/JVTE/v11n1/contents.html 29: : /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/ 62: 0.26%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/Balamuralikrishna.html 241: 2.24%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/CERTART.htm 98: 0.05%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/EDITOR.htm 28: 0.01%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/EDITOR.html 366: 3.17%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/EMPL-INV.htm 13: 0.10%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/Reagor.html 335: 3.33%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/SELFDIR.htm 652: 2.84%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/SWOT.htm 134: 1.06%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/WORK-PER.htm 96: 0.13%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/abstracts.html 74: 0.70%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/bremer.html 1078: 0.35%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/contents.html 67: 0.52%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/fisher.html 50: 0.36%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n1/jones.html 11: : /ejournals/JVTE/v12n2/ 158: 1.28%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n2/catri.html 477: 0.22%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n2/contents.html 65: 0.05%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n2/ed-notes.html 74: 0.10%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n2/guidline.html 245: 1.70%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n2/holton.html 258: 1.99%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n2/leach.html 210: 1.69%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n2/rolling.html 163: 1.10%: /ejournals/JVTE/v12n2/roth.html 255: 0.11%: /ejournals/JVTE/v13n1/contents.html 45: 0.04%: /ejournals/JVTE/v13n1/ed-notes.html 35: 0.06%: /ejournals/JVTE/v13n1/guidline.html 62: 0.44%: /ejournals/JVTE/v13n1/hatzios.html 93: 0.98%: /ejournals/JVTE/v13n1/herrick.html 114: 1.14%: /ejournals/JVTE/v13n1/lynch.html 93: 68.41%: /ejournals/JVTE/v13n1/roegge.html 98: 1.20%: /ejournals/JVTE/v13n1/sheng.html 62: 0.70%: /ejournals/JVTE/v13n1/womble.html
(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)