Web Server Statistics for WWW server statistics

Program started at Mon-17-Mar-1997 12:39 local time.
Analysed requests from Tue-18-Jun-1996 12:29 to Fri-28-Feb-1997 23:57 (255.5 days).

Total successful requests: 383 108
Average successful requests per day: 1 500
Total successful requests for pages: 372 409
Total failed requests: 18 023
Total redirected requests: 2 510
Number of distinct files requested: 5 213
Number of distinct hosts served: 7 168
Corrupt logfile lines: 104
Unwanted logfile entries: 1 164 529
Total data transferred: 16 057 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 64 358 kbytes

(Go To: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)

Each unit (+) represents 2 000 requests for pages, or part thereof.

   month: pages: 
--------  -----  
Jun 1996:   302: +
Jul 1996:  3822: ++
Aug 1996: 12016: +++++++
Sep 1996: 64831: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Oct 1996: 66238: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Nov 1996: 45839: +++++++++++++++++++++++
Dec 1996: 41318: +++++++++++++++++++++
Jan 1997: 65799: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Feb 1997: 72244: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Weekly Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)

Each unit (+) represents 500 requests for pages, or part thereof.

week beg.: pages: 
---------  -----  
16/Jun/96:    65: +
23/Jun/96:   237: +
30/Jun/96:   770: ++
 7/Jul/96:  1295: +++
14/Jul/96:   778: ++
21/Jul/96:   508: ++
28/Jul/96:   590: ++
 4/Aug/96:   773: ++
11/Aug/96:   140: +
18/Aug/96:   643: ++
25/Aug/96: 10341: +++++++++++++++++++++
 1/Sep/96: 14381: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8/Sep/96: 16357: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15/Sep/96: 13865: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
22/Sep/96: 14617: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
29/Sep/96: 16558: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6/Oct/96: 12225: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
13/Oct/96: 12398: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
20/Oct/96: 17498: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
27/Oct/96: 14899: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3/Nov/96: 14076: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10/Nov/96: 18265: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17/Nov/96: 10595: ++++++++++++++++++++++
24/Nov/96:  1174: +++
 1/Dec/96: 12045: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8/Dec/96: 16337: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96: 12308: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
22/Dec/96:   494: +
29/Dec/96:   845: ++
 5/Jan/97:  4194: +++++++++
12/Jan/97: 22265: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
19/Jan/97: 19730: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
26/Jan/97: 20141: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2/Feb/97: 22090: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 9/Feb/97: 16482: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16/Feb/97: 15313: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
23/Feb/97: 17117: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)

Each unit (+) represents 1 500 requests for pages, or part thereof.

day: pages: 
---  -----  
Sun: 43950: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mon: 71944: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue: 74430: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed: 70713: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu: 59344: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri: 34592: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sat: 17436: ++++++++++++

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)

Each unit (+) represents 500 requests for pages, or part thereof.

hr: pages: 
--  -----  
 0: 11257: +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1:  6820: ++++++++++++++
 2:  3073: +++++++
 3:  1493: +++
 4:   827: ++
 5:   691: ++
 6:   941: ++
 7:  3122: +++++++
 8:  7643: ++++++++++++++++
 9: 14067: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10: 19513: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11: 20970: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12: 24053: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13: 23624: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14: 26928: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15: 26369: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16: 25851: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17: 24713: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18: 21666: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
19: 23661: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20: 24579: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
21: 22872: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
22: 21315: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
23: 16361: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Directory report: File type report: Request report)

Printing all domains with at least 100 requests, sorted by number of requests.
Printing all requested subdomains with at least 1000 requests.

  #reqs :  %bytes : domain
--------  --------  ------
 353675 :  93.34% : .edu (USA Educational)
(  5278): ( 0.81%):     ag.vt.edu
(  6215): ( 0.66%):     arch.vt.edu
(  4221): ( 1.73%):     async.vt.edu
( 53121): (18.39%):     campus.vt.edu
( 29349): ( 6.14%):     cc.vt.edu
(176502): (48.45%):     cns.vt.edu
(  8502): ( 2.27%):       sl001.cns.vt.edu
(  8380): ( 2.12%):       sl002.cns.vt.edu
(  8044): ( 2.24%):       sl003.cns.vt.edu
(  8446): ( 2.19%):       sl004.cns.vt.edu
(  8523): ( 2.12%):       sl005.cns.vt.edu
(  8319): ( 2.02%):       sl006.cns.vt.edu
(  8689): ( 2.22%):       sl007.cns.vt.edu
(  8442): ( 2.07%):       sl010.cns.vt.edu
(  8734): ( 2.27%):       sl011.cns.vt.edu
(  8331): ( 2.03%):       sl012.cns.vt.edu
(  8286): ( 2.32%):       sl013.cns.vt.edu
(  8170): ( 2.00%):       sl014.cns.vt.edu
(  8335): ( 1.90%):       sl015.cns.vt.edu
(  8389): ( 2.59%):       sl016.cns.vt.edu
(  7886): ( 2.13%):       sl017.cns.vt.edu
(  8537): ( 2.29%):       sl020.cns.vt.edu
(  5421): ( 0.47%):     cob.vt.edu
(  1573): ( 0.12%):     cses.vt.edu
(  2770): ( 1.33%):     ee.vt.edu
(  1208): ( 0.88%):     ef.vt.edu
(  1799): ( 0.06%):     esm.vt.edu
(  2569): ( 0.66%):     fw.vt.edu
(  3966): ( 0.15%):     ise.vt.edu
( 33005): ( 8.39%):     lib.vt.edu
(  1256): ( 0.28%):       ereserve10.lib.vt.edu
(  2085): ( 0.40%):       ereserve4.lib.vt.edu
(  3495): ( 0.73%):       ereserve5.lib.vt.edu
(  3001): ( 0.69%):       ereserve6.lib.vt.edu
(  2792): ( 0.58%):       ereserve7.lib.vt.edu
(  3039): ( 1.22%):       ereserve8.lib.vt.edu
(  5016): ( 0.74%):     stat.vt.edu
(  7023): ( 0.88%):     vetmed.vt.edu
  14380 :   2.47% : [unresolved numerical addresses]
   6850 :   1.90% : .us (United States)
(  1364): ( 0.09%):       beva.blacksburg.va.us
(  4812): ( 1.65%):       bevc.blacksburg.va.us
   3891 :   0.93% : .com (Commercial, mainly USA)
   3383 :   0.82% : .net (Network)
    130 :   0.10% : .gov (USA Government)
    113 :         : .il (Israel)

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: File type report: Request report)

Printing all directories with at least 5000 requests, sorted by number of requests.
Printing directories to depth 3.

#reqs: %bytes: directory
-----  ------  ---------
39102:  9.00%: /materials/CHEM/CHEM1035/
32812: 38.25%: /instructors/siever/EF1006CET/
18381:  1.26%: /instructors/holtzman/STAT2004/
15586:  1.92%: /materials/ISE/ISE2014/
13185:  0.74%: /materials/BIOL/BIOL2405/
11951:  0.61%: /instructors/uap1014d/Contemporary_City/
10125:  0.69%: /materials/BIOL/BIOL2804/
 9539:  2.26%: /materials/TA/TA2014/
 9308:  0.04%: /instructors/esm_13/service/
 9167:  0.74%: /instructors/badinell/MSCI/
 8628:  3.93%: /materials/GEOL/GEOL1024/
 8556:  0.18%: /instructors/globiss/ISE4304/
 8212:  0.56%: /materials/BIOL/BIOL1105/
 8194:  0.46%: /instructors/keying/STAT5104/
 7859:  0.37%: /materials/ARCH/ARCH3115/
 7784:  0.44%: /instructors/keying/STAT3005/
 7053:  2.85%: /instructors/jpl/STAT4604/
 7008:  0.44%: /instructors/holtzman/STAT5605/
 6738:  0.34%: /materials/MGMT/MGMT5314/
 6690:  2.45%: /instructors/abbott/ee2984/
 6664:  0.07%: /instructors/sdru/VM8744/
 5027:  0.24%: /materials/BIOL/BIOL1006/
 5019:  0.40%: /materials/CHEM/CHEM1036/

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: Request report)

Printing all extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by amount of traffic.

 #reqs: %bytes: extension
------  ------  ---------
210047: 85.24%: .pdf
 75459:  2.94%: .html
   103:  2.39%: .avi
   878:  2.25%: .zip
   120:  2.13%: .mov
   138:  1.25%: .exe
 58459:  0.75%: .htm
   153:  0.72%: .wav
  1432:  0.37%: .JPG
    46:  0.25%: .bmp
   206:  0.23%: .ppz
   995:  0.23%: .PDF
 28444:  0.21%: (directories)
    54:  0.20%: .DOC
   268:  0.14%: .wrd
   182:  0.12%: .EXE

Request Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report)

Printing all requested files with at least 1000 requests, sorted by number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes: file
-----  ------  ----
 8639:  0.08%: /instructors/siever/EF1006CET/classhtm.htm
 4854:  0.01%: /instructors/siever/EF1006CET/teskehtm.htm
 4367:  0.68%: /instructors/holtzman/STAT2004/grades.html
 4176:  3.75%: /instructors/siever/EF1006CET/hw1.pdf
 3439:  0.02%: /instructors/holtzman/STAT2004/Fall96.html
 2999:  2.39%: /instructors/siever/EF1006CET/acadhw1.pdf
 2690:  0.03%: /instructors/abbott/ee2984/
 2619:  1.44%: /materials/TA/TA2014/8526/ta2014.pdf
 2378:  0.02%: /instructors/uap1014d/Contemporary_City/uap1014.html
 2184:  0.04%: /instructors/jpl/STAT4604/
 2034:  0.10%: /instructors/holtzman/STAT2004/Calendar.html
 2025:  0.02%: /instructors/uap1014d/Contemporary_City/notebook.html
 1929:  0.10%: /instructors/holtzman/STAT5605/Schedule.html
 1904:  0.01%: /instructors/holtzman/STAT2004/home.html
 1711:  0.02%: /instructors/cfrazier/OCHEM/
 1681:  0.01%: /instructors/holtzman/STAT5605/Fall96.html
 1598:  2.23%: /materials/CHEM/CHEM1035/4801/chapter_2_notes.pdf
 1562:  0.01%: /instructors/keying/STAT3005/
 1555:  0.01%: /instructors/badinell/MSCI/
 1550:  0.01%: /instructors/keying/STAT5104/fall1996.html
 1512:  0.01%: /instructors/blckbean/BIOL2704/evolution.html
 1461:  0.21%: /materials/CHEM/CHEM1035/4801/Chapter_1_notes.pdf
 1417:       : /materials/
 1389:  0.14%: /materials/CHEM/CHEM1035/4801/Hanson_1st_exam_key.pdf
 1374:  0.04%: /instructors/holtzman/STAT2004/syllabus.html
 1289:  0.02%: /instructors/abbott/ee4505/
 1253:  0.05%: /materials/TA/TA2014/4507/ta_2014_syllabus.pdf
 1188:  0.13%: /materials/CHEM/CHEM1035/4801/Hanson_2nd_exam_key.pdf
 1159:  0.08%: /instructors/holtzman/STAT2004/schedule.html
 1151:  0.01%: /instructors/globiss/ISE4304/
 1124:  0.05%: /instructors/badinell/MSCI/MSIT4434/syl4434.html
 1096:  0.23%: /materials/CHEM/CHEM1035/4801/Hanson_4th_exam_key.pdf
 1073:  0.14%: /materials/CHEM/CHEM1035/4801/answer_key_exam_5.pdf
 1059:       : /instructors/esm_13/service/temp3.htm
 1055:       : /instructors/esm_13/service/statics.htm
 1044:  0.51%: /materials/CHEM/CHEM1035/4801/chapter_7_notes.pdf
 1043:       : /instructors/esm_13/service/dynamics.htm
 1041:       : /instructors/esm_13/service/deforms.htm
 1040:  0.16%: /materials/CHEM/CHEM1035/4801/chapter_3_notes.pdf
 1034:  0.01%: /instructors/esm_13/service/main.htm
 1011:  0.06%: /materials/CHEM/CHEM1035/4801/Answer_key_exam_2.pdf
 1003:  0.05%: /materials/CHEM/CHEM1035/4801/scores_1.pdf

This analysis was produced by analog1.92beta1/Unix.
Running time: 1 minute, 27 seconds.

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Weekly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: File type report: Request report)

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