ElAnt v5n1 - Editorial on Technical Matters
With the move of Electronic Antiquity to Virginia Tech, there will be some minor changes in the process of submission. We hope that these will simplify the process. Contributors should continue to contact any of the editors (see the Link to the list of Editors) to make a submission, but all submissions will eventually be forwarded to Professor Papillon at Virginia Tech.
The submissions should be done electronically. This can be done as a Microsoft Word document attached to an e-mail or pasted within the e-mail itself. Always include a mailing address and an e-mail address with submissions. We will contact you if there is a problem with transmission.
Do not be concerned with specific formatting initially. If the submission is accepted, the editors will work with the author on formatting. Documentation and abbreviations should follow norms of Classics journals. Consult L'Annee Philologique for journal abbreviations and LSJ/OLD for authors and works.
The journal continues to work on the possibility of a Greek font for the journal. Until that is established, continue to transliterate. We hope that with the new format, the journal can take advantage of the graphics possibilities of the web to include articles with a visual focus. Contact Professor Papillon for more information about such possibilities.
Terry L. Papillon 30 March 1999
Electronic Antiquity Vol. 5 Issue 1 - February 1999
Technical Editor, Terry Papillon: Terry.Papillon@vt.edu
ISSN 1320-3606