QBARS - v10n2 The American Rhododendron Society Test Garden

The American Rhododendron Society Test Garden
Crystal Springs Lake Island, Portland, Oregon


Hybrids in bloom at Crystal Springs Island R. augustinii
Fig. 18.  Rhododendron hybrids in bloom
along one of the secondary paths in the
Society Garden at Crystal Springs Island.
R. Henny photo
Fig. 19. R. augustinii
R. Henny photo
R. bullatum R. occidentale
Fig. 29. R. bullatum , one of the tender
species grown in the Society coolhouse
at Crystal Springs Island.
Bacher photo
Fig. 21.  Close-up view of
R. occidentale
OR State Highway
Commission photo

Inventories of large rhododendron collections, especially those in Botanic Gardens or other public places open to the public should be of interest to enthusiasts who may wish to know where, in this country, certain clones or species may be seen. The collection in Portland is relatively new but outstanding for its attractive setting as well as for the number of kinds of plants.

The American Rhododendron Society Test Garden, located on an Island in Crystal Springs Lake on S. E. 28th Ave., Portland, Ore., adjacent to the Eastmoreland Golf Course, consists of four acres of natural wooded area. It contains many native trees and shrubs which serve as nesting places for wild ducks and other birds. The Island is connected by a foot bridge to a long peninsula of several acres which is now serving as an expansion area.

The Garden was established in the summer of 1950 by a special Ordinance of the City of Portland, which granted use of this Island to the Society as a Test area for rhododendrons and azaleas. The first planting was started in October, 1950. Since that date paths have been made, rest rooms constructed, and some 300 varieties of hybrid rhododendrons, numerous azaleas, and close to 250 species of the Genus Rhododendron have been planted, a total of over 2500 plants, mostly of blooming size. Every type of rhododendron is represented in the plantings. There are also a number of ornamental plants of other Genera in the collection. The Annual Show of the Portland Chapter is held here during May. Plans are well under way for construction, on the Island, of a cool greenhouse to provide quarters for the Society's collection of tender species and hybrids, especially the maddeniis .

The City of Portland provides water and general maintenance, and the Society has provided the plants, prepared the soil and set them. A great deal of volunteer labor has been provided by a few members of the Portland Chapter, without which the whole project would have been impossible. Money for certain expenditures has been provided by members of the Portland Chapter and none of the regular funds of the American Rhododendron Society have been used. This is a Garden for the enjoyment and benefit of all, provided by the Portland Chapter. The Garden gates are open to visitors daily from the middle of March to the end of August.

In addition to its general educational, scientific and esthetic objectives, it serves as a Test Garden for new varieties. Several are now being grown for consideration by the Awards Committee for Award of Excellence or Test Garden Certificate.

The following lists are available, together with information as to flower color and blooming season in a special booklet available from the Secretary of the A.R.S.. price 25 cents.


A. Bedford Camille
Adrastia G. Carex Blush
Aladdin G. Carex White
Albatross G. Carita G.
Alice C. B. VanNes
Amy Chanticleer G.
Anne Kruschke Chevalier Felix de Sauvage
Annie E. Endz China G.
Antoon Van Welie Choremia G.
Argosy G. Cilpinense
Aries G. Conemaugh G.
Arthur J. Ivens G. Conewago G.
Arthur Osborn G. Cornish Cross G.
Ascot Brilliant Cornubia G.
Augfast G. Corona
Avalanche G. Countess of Athlone
Azaleoides fragrans Countess of Derby G.
Azma G. Countess of Haddington G.
Azor G. Countess of Sefton G.
B C. P. Raffill G.
Bagshot Ruby Cunningham's Sulphur
(Barclayi G.) Helen Fox Cynthia
(Barclayi G.) Robert Fox D
Beacon G. Dairy Maid
Beau Brummel G. Damaris G.
Beauty of Littleworth Dame Nellie Melba G.
Betty Wormald Damozel G.
Bibiani G. David G.
Black Beauty Dawn's Delight
Bluebird G. Day Dream G.
Blue Diamond G. (Day Dream G.) biscuit form
Blue Peter Deep Copper
Blue Tit G. Devonshire Cream
Bonfire G. Diane
Bonito G. Dido G.
Bo-peep G. Diva G.
Borde Hill Dolly G.
Bowbells G. Doncaster
Break of Day G. Dr. Masters
Bric-a-Brac G. Dr. O. Blok
Britannia Dr. Stocker G.
Broughtonii aureum Dormouse G.
Bulstrode Park Duchess of York
Earl of Athlone Halcyone G.
Elizabeth G. Harvest Moon
Elspeth Helene Schiffner
Erebus G. Hiraethlyn G.
Ernest Gill G. Hollandia
Essex Scarlet Hugh Koster
Ethelred G. Humming Bird G.
Ethel Stocker Hyperion
Eupheno G. I
Europa Ibex G. Idealist G.
Everestianum Impeanum G.
Exoniense G. Impi G.
F Indiana G.
Fabia G. (Fabia G.) Isabella G.
Exbury (Fabia G.) Ivery's Scarlet
Tangerine (Fabia G.)
Towercourt Faggetter's Favorite
Fastuosum plenum J
F. C: Puddle G. Jan Dekens
Fire Bird G. Jean G.
Flare Jean Marie Montague
Forsterianum G. J. G. Millais
Fragrantissimum G. J. H. Van Nes
Francis Hanger G. Jock G.
Freisland Fusilier G. John Walter
Galloper Light Karkov G.
Garnet G. Kate Waterer
Gena Kewier
Gill's Crimson King George
Gill's Triumph G. King of Shrubs
Gladys G. L
Glory of Littleworth Lady Alice Fitzwilliam
Goblin G. (Lady Bessborough ) Roberte
Golden Horn G. Ladybird G.
Goldfort G. Lady Bligh
Glowing Embers Lady Chamberlain G.
Gold Braid (Lady Chamberlain G.) Chelsea
Goldsworth Crimson (Lady Chamberlain G.) Exbury
Goldsworth Orange G. (Lady Chamberlain G.) Gleam
Goldsworth Yellow G. (Lady Chamberlain G.) Ivy
Gomer Waterer Lady Clementine Mitford
Griero-splendor G. Lady Eleanor Cathcart G.
Grosclaude G. M Con't
Lady Primrose Mrs. C. B. Van Nes
Lady Roseberry G. Mrs. Charles Pearson
Lady Stuart of Wortley Mrs. Chas. S. Sargent
Langley Park Mrs. Charles Thorold
Lavender Girl G. Mrs. Donald Graham
Lee's Dark Purple Mrs. E. C. Stirling
Letty Edwards G. Mrs. Furnival
Leonore G. Mrs. G. W. Leak
Little Dragon Mrs. Henry Agnew G.
Lodauric G. Mrs. Lindsay Smith
Loderi G. Mrs. Lionel de Rothschild
(Loderi G.) Game Chick Mrs. Mary Ashley
(Loderi G.) Helen Mrs. P. D. Williams
(Loderi G.) King George Mrs. Philip Martineau
(Loderi G.) Queen Mary Mrs. R. S. Holford
(Loderi G.) Sir Edmond Mrs. T. H. Lowinsky
(Loderi G.) Sir Joseph Hooker Mrs. Walter Burns
(Loderi G.) Superlative Mrs. W. C. Slocock G.
(Loderi G.) Venus N
(Loderi G.) White Diamond Naomi G.
Loder's White (Naomi G.) A. M.
Lord Roberts (Naomi G.) Carissima
Louis Pasteur (Naomi G.) Glow
(Luscombei G.) Leonardslee (Naomi G.) Pink Beauty
M (Nobleanum G.) Coccineum
Madame Masson (Nobleanum G.) Venustum
Marcell Moser O
Madame de Bruin Odoratum
Madame Fr. J. Chauvin Olympic Lady G.
Mahmoud Oregon Queen
Marchioness of Lansdowne Orion G.
Margaret Dunn G. P
Mariloo G. (Penjerrick G.) Pink form
Marinus Koster (Penjerrick G.) Yellow form
Mars Peter Koster
Max Sye Pilgrim G.
May Day G. Pink Beauty
Mevr. P. A. Colijn Pink Pearl
Michael Waterer Polar Bear G.
Midsummer Praecox G.
Mohamet G. Princess Elizabeth
Moonstone G. Professor J. H. Zaayer
Moser's Maroon Purple Splendour
Mother of Pearl Purpureum elegans
Mrs. A. T. de la Mare Pygmalion
Mrs. Betty Robertson
Q S Con't
Queen o' the May Snow Queen G.
Queen Wilhelmina Souvenir of W. C. Slocock
R Susan
Racil G. Sweet Simplicity
Radium G. T
Rainbow Tally Ho G.
Red Cap G. Temple Belle G.
Red Riding Hood The Don
Roman Pottery Thomwilliams G.
Romany Chai G. Trilby
Romany Chal G. U
Rosa Mundi Ungerio
Rosamund Millais Unique
Rose Elf Unknown Warrior
Rosy Bell G. V
Rosy Morn G. Vanessa G.
(Royal Flush G.) Orange form Vanguard G.
(Royal Flush G.) Pink form Van Nes Sensation
Rubens Victorianum G.
Rubina G. Vulcan G.
R. W. Dyke W
S Westward Ho
Sapphire White Pearl
Sappho White Swan
Sarita Loder G. Wilbar G.
Scandinavia Y
(Shangri la) Ethal Stocker Yellow Hammer G.
Sir Chas. Lemon Z
Sir Frederick Moore G. Zuyder Zee G.
Snow Lady


No. 1 Albiflorum Series s. s. Obtusum
albiflorum mariae
mucronatum 'Sekidera'
No. 2 Anthopogon Series simsii
cephalanthum tschonoskii
trichostomum var. ledoides yedoense var. poukhanense
No. 3 Arboreum Series s. s. Schlippenbachii
Subseries Arboreum amagianum
arboreum mariesii
campbelliae reticulatum
delavayi schlippenbachii
niveum No. 6 Barbatum Series
s. s. Barbatum
s. s. Argyrophyllum barbatum
argyrophyllum smithii
ririei s. s. Crinigerum
No. 4 Auriculatum Series crinigerum
griersonianum s. s. Glischrum
No. 5 Azalea Series
s. s. Canadense s. s. Maculiferum
albrechtii longesquamatum
canadense monosematum
vaseyi morii
s.s. Luteum
aemulans (colemani) No. 7 Boothii Series
alabamense s. s. Boothii
arborescens boothii
austrinum s. s. Megeratum
bakeri leucaspis
calendulaceum megeratum
luteum s. s. Tephropeplum
nudiflorum auritum
occidentale tephropeplum (deleiense)
prunifolium xanthostephanum (aureum)
speciosum No. 8 Camelliaeflorum Series
viscosum camelliaeflorum
No. 9 Campanulatum Series No. 18 Fortunei Series
campanulatum s. s. Calophytum
fulgens calophytum
s. s. Davidii
No. 10 Campylogynum Series davidii
campylogynum praevernum
cremastum sutchuenense var. geraldi
s. s. Fortunei
No. 11 Camtschaticum Series decorum
No. 12 Carolinianum Series discolor
carolinianum minus fortunei
No. 13 Cinnabarinum Series houlstonii
cinnabarinum vernicosum
cinnabarinum var. roylei euanthum
concatenans sheltonae
No. 14 Dauricum Series s. s. Oreodoxa
dauricum fargesii
No. 19 Fulvum Series
No. 15 Edgeworthii Series fulvum
bullatum uvarifolium
No. 20 Glaucum Series
No. 16 Falconeri Series s. s. Glaucum
arizelum brachyanthum
basilicum glaucophyllum (glaucum)
coriaceum shweliense
falconeri s. s. Genestierianum
fictolacteum genestierianum
hodgsonii No. 21 Grande Series
rex macabeanum
No. 17 Ferrugineum Series sinogrande
No. 22 Heliolepis Series No. 26 Lepidotum Series
desquamatum baileyi
fumidum lepidotum
heliolepis (elaegnoides)
pholidotum No. 27 Maddenii Series
rubiginosum s. s. Ciliicalyx
No. 23 Irroratum Series carneum
s. s. Irroratum ciliatum
hardingii ciliicalyx
irroratum formosum
pennivenium iteophyllum
s. s. Parishii scottianum
kyawii valentinianum
venator veitchianum
No. 24 Lacteum Series s. s. Maddenii
beesianum crassum
lacteum dalhousiae
No. 25 Lapponicum Series maddenii
chryseum megacalyx
cuneatum nuttallii
drumonium polyandrum
fastigiatum rhabdotum
flavidum taggianum
impeditum No. 28 Micranthum Series
intricatum micranthum
microleucum No. 29 Moupinense Series
ravum moupinense
No. 30 Neriiflorum Series No. 33 Saluenense Series
s. s. Forrestii calostrotum
forrestii var. repens keleticum
s.s. Haematodes riparium
chaetomallum saluenense
mallotum No. 34 Scabrifolium
s. s. Neriiflorum pubescens
euchaites spiciferum
floccigerum spinuliferum
sperabile No. 35 Semibarbaturn Series
s. s. Sanguineum No. 36 Stamineum Series
apodectum wilsonae
eudoxum No. 37 Taliense Series
haemaleum s. s. Adenogynum
sanguineum adenogynum
No. 31 Ovatum Series alutaceum
leptothrium bureavii
No. 32 Ponticum Series prattii
s. s. Caucasicum
adenopodum s. s. Roxieanum
brachycarpum comisteum
caucasicum gymnocarpum
degronianum microgynum
makinoi roxieanum
s. s. Taliense
s. s. Ponticum flavorufum
catawbiense alba phaeochrysum
macrophyllum taliense
No. 38 Thomsonii Series s. s. Oreotrephes
s. s. Campylocarpum artosquameum
caloxanthum exquisitum
campylocarpum oreotrephes
s. s. Polylepis
s. s. Martinianum polylepis
martinianum pseudoyanthinum
s. s. Triflorum
s. s. Selense ambiguum
jucundum chengshienianum
s. s. Souliei keiskei
croceum lutescens
puralbum triflorum var. mahoganii
souliei xanthocodon
williamsianum s. s. Yunnanense
cerulean var. album
s. s. Thomsonii chartophyllum var praecox
eclecteum davidsonianum
stewartianum hormophorum
thomsonii lochmium
No. 39 Trichocladum Series vilmorinianum
chloranthum yunnanense
lepidostylum zaleucum
trichocladum No. 41 Uniflorurn Series
No. 40 Triflorum Series pemakoense
s. s. Augustinii
No. 42 Vaccinioides Series
'Azuriense' No. 43 Virgatum Series
'Exbury' oleifolium
'Magor' racemosum
'Tower Court' racemosum var. oleifolium
s. s. Hanceanum
hanceanum nanum