QBARS - v12n1 Clarence Prentice 1892-1957

Clarence Prentice 1892-1957

Clarence P. Prentice was owner of the Prentice Nursery & Decorating Co. He had been in business about 40 years. His grandfather, Alexander Prentice, established a nursery in South Seattle in the 1860's.

Mr. Prentice, a leader in horticultural circles here many years, had been a member of the Municipal Art Commission since July, 1955. He was a board member of the University of Washington Arboretum Foundation and a member of the Seattle Historical Society, the Washington State Pioneer Association and the American Rhododendron Society.

Mr. Prentice was an authority on rhododendrons and azaleas. In 1947 his rhododendron display won the sweepstakes award in a state flower show in Oakland, California.