QBARS - v13n3 The American Rhododendron Society Fifteenth Annual Meeting

The American Rhododendron Society Fifteenth Annual Meeting
May 9, 1959
Ruth M. Hansen, Secretary-Treasurer

The Fifteenth Annual meeting of the American Rhododendron Society was called to order by President, J. Harold Clarke at 8:20 P.M. in the Portland Garden Club building. Seven of the eight Pacific Coast Chapters were represented; Vancouver B.C., Seattle, Tacoma, Grays Harbor, Portland, Eugene and California. Our new Great Lakes Chapter was also represented and there was one visitor from Scotland.

The Guest speaker, Mr. David G. Leach of Brookville, Penna., was introduced, his subject being, "Native American Azaleas." This talk was illustrated with beautiful slides showing the native forms and their variations. The good and bad points of each species were deftly pointed out by Mr. Leach. One most interesting item was how he traced the evolution and development of some of the azaleas.

In his discussion on the propagation of deciduous azaleas Mr. Leach said there was no problem of rooting them but the problem came in trying to make them grow the following season. The solution was simple, just pinch out the terminal bud at the time the cuttings were inserted.

Slides were shown of Eastern rhododendrons, R. maximum , R. carolinianum album , R. mimes , R. catawbiense , red and white forms and hybrids which do well in eastern Pennsylvania. Some of these are: R. 'Boule de Neige', 'Mrs. C. S. Sargent', 'Roseum Elegans', 'Charles Bagley', etc. Mr. Leach also showed slides of some of his own crosses which made a most favorable impression. This was a most informative talk and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.

At the conclusion of the talk a ten minute coffee break was observed while guests chatted over coffee and cookies.

The business meeting was called at the end of the coffee break and Dr. Clarke read the results of the recent election. They are as follows: President, J. Harold Clarke, Vice Pres. Edward B. Dunn, Secretary-Treasurer, Ruth M. Hansen. Directors for 1959-1961 are: Dr. Carl Phetteplace, Howard Slonecker, Robert Bovee, re-elected; John Bates, Wales Wood and Dr. Lindgren newly elected.

Dr. Clarke then briefly; read from the Financial Report as compiled by our Auditors, Yergen & Myers. As this report will be printed in the July Bulletin it will be deleted from these minutes.

Representatives from visiting Chapters were asked to say a few words about their chapters. Carl Fawcett, Tacoma gave the dates of their show and invited all to attend. Ed. Dunn, Seattle told of their coming Show to be held again at Bellevue. Mrs. Rose Haines, Grays Harbor reported on their Show to be held next week-end. Allyne Cook, Vancouver, B.C. told of their third show which had been held last week. Ed. Long, California Chapter told of their Chapter receiving the highest horticultural prize for their exhibit at the Oakland Flower Show.

Our President then reported on new chapters, stating that the Olympic Peninsula Chapter was the only one formed within the past year; however we had two new ones to be voted on at the next Directors meeting. They are: the Mid-Jersey and the Great Lakes chapters. Mr. David Leach then stated that the Great Lakes chapter would be comprised mainly of memberships in W. Pennsylvania, S.W. Michigan and Ohio.

Mr. George Grace, Show Chairman for the Portland Chapter Show was asked for his report. As the names of the winners for the various trophies will be given in the Regular Show Report, they will be deleted from these minutes. Mr. Grace thanked all the show committee for their efforts in making the show a success; John Bates, Dr. Corbin, Bob Bovee, Mrs. O. R. Neet, Mr. and Mrs. Kraxberger, Ruth and Ted Hansen. Special mention was made of the excellent publicity job that Mrs. Louis Grothaus had done, and Mr. D. L. Patrick was highly complimented for the long hours he had spent in making all the new tiered tables, C. T. Hansen, Chairman of the Test Garden Committee was thanked for the wonderful job of getting the Test Garden ready for the Show.

Mr. Wales Wood then showed some of his beautiful slides taken in his garden at St. Helens. These pictures showed the succession of bloom from early February to June and made a most fitting conclusion to our Annual meeting.

Meeting adjourned.