QBARS - v17n1 American Rhododendron Society Directors Meeting Report, December 2, 1962

A.R.S. Directors Meeting Report - December 2, 1962
Ruth M. Hansen, Secretary-Treasurer

The meeting was held in Portland, Ore., at the Benson Hotel. Those present were: Dr. J. Harold Clarke, President; Edward Dunn: Rudolph Henny: Wales Wood: Mrs. Robert Berry; Edwin Arntsen; George Grace: Roy W. Clark: John Eichelser: C. T. Hansen: Howard Slonecker: Carl Fawcett and Ruth M. Hansen. Secretary-Treasurer.

The business meeting was called to order at 1:00 P.M. and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Copies of the Financial Report were passed to each director. Cash summary is as follows: ARS checking account as of Dec. 2, 19(12, $1598.57. Savings Account $5567.88, Savings Account (Annual Meeting) $3094.70: Total cash balance $10,261.15. Test Garden Fund total cash balance $632.28, Martin Fund for Entrance Garden, cash on hand $1117.00.

Carl Fawcett suggested that in so far as the cash on hand seems to be going down each year and the cost of printing seems to be going up that it might be in order to raise the dues. A discussion on this point then ensued with the suggestion that the due., be raised to 56.50 per year. Action on this matter was postponed until the next meeting.

Dr. Clarke explained the Savings Account (Annual Meeting) as the profit from the Winterthur Meeting which Mr. Gordon Tyrrell had sent to us for deposit specifying that it was to be ultimately used in the development of three Test Gardens, the National Test Garden, one at the Morris Arboretum and one to be established possibly at the Holden Arboretum. After the check had been received and deposited. another letter arrived, voicing a difference of opinion as to the disposition of this money, and so far it has not been completely clarified. The check is being held and will not be disposed of pending clarification from Mr. Tyrrell.

Committee Reports followed: Annual Meeting: George Grace, Chairman, read a letter from the Seattle Chapter inviting the A.R.S. to hold its Annual Meeting in Seattle, May. 1964. A motion was made that we accept this invitation to hold cur Annual Meeting in Seattle. Wash. in May 1964. Motion carried.

Awards Policy Committee:

Carl Fawcett reported on a meeting recently held by this committee, and gave the following suggestions:

  1. That there be an independent registrar and administrator of plant awards, perhaps several on a regional basis:
  2. There should be an Awards Classification, i.e., new category of recognition for unusual species, forms, etc.:
  3. There was need for geographical or climatical segregation of Awards, that Awards should be dated as P.A. '56, A. E. '60, etc.; 4. There was a need for uniform judging standards and suggest a joint meeting of all awards committeemen.

A general discussion followed this report and it was conceded that the date o' an Award is more important as time goes on; that recognition of rare and difficult species should be given. No action taken on this report.

Honors Committee:

Wales Wood reported no correspondence had been received. It was then reiterated that our medals are given on two bases: 1. Service to the Society; 2. Horticultural Achievement. All plaques, certificates, life memberships, etc. are funneled through this committee for consideration.

Advertising Committee:

Ed Arntsen, Chairman, told of the circular letter sent to various growers, urging them to advertise in the Quarterly Bulletin. He further stated that he thought our advertising rates were not priced high enough.

Rating Committee:

Cecil Smith, Chairman, reported that he had had a number of private talks with individuals but so far had not had any meeting with the committee. As it will soon be time to start work on the 1965 book, all Chapter Presidents should appoint local committees to go through the 1961 book and make corrections in the ratings. Regional surveys can be started, but regional surveys should not be published by the chapter. If, however, this is done the chapter name should be given so as not to have the ratings confused with those of the ARS. There should also be a sub-committee on deciduous azaleas and also one on evergreen azaleas.

Editorial Committee:

Rudolph Henny, Chairman, stated that he wished more people would write descriptive articles on gardens and include cultural practices. Mr. Grace suggested that we should attempt to obtain the slides of rhododendrons growing in the Himalayan Mts. which were shown by Mr. Lee. This met with approval and Mr. Grace was asked to contact Mr. Lee. Mr. Grace then asked about the ARS starting a library of books, bulletins and catalogues, stating that he had a number of these items which he wanted preserved. Various suggestions followed. Dr. Clarke offered to write to Dr. Rock in an attempt to make some arrangement for the disposal of his slides and photographs.

Test Garden Committee:

C. T. Hansen gave the following price estimate for repairing the damage caused by the October 12th wind storm. Damage to Coolhouse, $335.00, this amount covered by our Insurance Policy. Damage to the Cyclone Fence, $325.00. Estimate for a new 3' fence above the ravine area, $175.00.

Species Project:

Rudolph Henny reported, stating that Dr. Walker had suggested that there be a committee to evaluate the species and that it work closely with the Awards Committee.

Propagation Committee:

Dr. Clarke mentioned that we should have some definite arrangement with an arboretum or experiment station for the propagation of our better forms of species in the Test Garden. He mentioned the Camellia group as having an excellent arrangement whereby the propagated plant and the release of cuttings are made to nurserymen who advertise in their bulletin. A motion was made that we work up a sample agreement to be presented at the next meeting. Motion passed.

Ed Arntsen then read a letter from Brian Mulligan, Curator of the L. of Washington Arboretum concerning the collection of Halfdan Lem. Mr. Mulligan felt that this fine collection should be preserved and catalogued.

A continued discussion on seed exchange followed. Since the last meeting some of the directors now feel that selfing is not very important as anyone wanting a definite clone would not grow it from seed anyway. The question arose as to who would collect the seed, package it, etc. Mr. Berry suggested that each person collect his seed and send it into one headquarters for distribution; a small fee should be charged for handling. It was finally approved that we adopt in principal a Seed Exchange and proceed to try working out some satisfactory way of effecting it.

George Grace made a resolution that either the President or Secretary write an official letter of appreciation to Mr. Henry du Pont and to Longwood Gardens.

Next meeting to be in Olympia, Wash., April 7th. Meeting adjourned.