QBARS - v21n2 Middle Atlantic Chapter Program

Middle Atlantic Chapter Program
Thomas Wheeldon, M.D., Richmond, Va.

The Middle Atlantic Chapter is to have a one-day program in Richmond on Friday, May 5, 1967. This day of rhododendron is planned as an assistance to the annual meeting of A.R.S. to be held in Asheville on May 7-9, 1967. It is felt that our meeting will be an added attraction for those north of us who plan to attend the Asheville meeting, and will, also, provide a break for those driving.

The viewing part of the clay will consist of visiting Gladsgay and observing the development of what is planned to become a model rhododendron nursery.

The new nursery consists of a hundred or more acres surrounding a twenty acre lake. It is being developed along Dick Bosley's lines of "Horticulture in the Space Age." Approximately 300 cultivars (many rare) will be seen. Lunch will be served at Gladsgay.

The listening part of the day will be provided by an address by Prof. Victor Ries of Columbus, Ohio who will speak on "Plants Associated with Rhododendron." Vic's talk will follow a reception and dinner at the Executive Motor Hotel. President Bobby Lee of Charlottesville will preside.