QBARS - v22n3 Rhododendrons 1968

Rhododendrons 1968
Edith Phetteplace, Eugene, Oregon

The National Rhododendron show and meeting in Eugene was, in spite of the May frost, a success.

In spite of the crepe hanging, such as, "We just won't have a thing to show; our plants are ruined; there will be no seeds formed for propagation;" our herbaceous friends had to admit it wasn't so bad after all.

I was not too impressed with all of this gloom, for as I said. "You still have your indumentums, and after all the crossing of genes you have done and the leaf cuttings you have given away they will surely save something or other."

My sense of humor isn't always appreciated but I am sure glad I have nurtured it.

Though my husband was "wiped out," had nothing that would be fit for the show, he shows up with blue ribbons and silver, as usual.

For a while I thought this year I had it made, after, listening to the sessions of despair, but the Committee was real thoughtful; they presented me with a small bottle of silver polish. But, when I got up to announce it my joke fell flat.

In spite of it all I still contend that the wives, and husbands, who love the hobby but really don't crave the heritage angle...we must smile through it all and keep up our sense of humor or we may become extinct in the society. Horrible thought!