QBARS - v24n1 New Chapter Organized in Birmingham, Alabama

New Chapter Organized in Birmingham, Alabama
Mrs. Harvey J. Hooks, President

Mrs. Clara B. Curry has made the Birmingham Chapter become a reality. Due to her gift of hybrid rhododen­drons to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens in March of 1968 and the co­operation of Mr. Melvin D. Wallace, horticulturist and Director of the Botanical Gardens, the garden now has more than 200 hybrid azaleas and rhododendrons growing successfully. Many Federated Garden Clubs and nurserymen in the area had requested more information about how to grow rhododendrons.

Plans in addition to growing and developing hybrids are, (1) A "Touch and See Nature Trail" for the blind around the rhododendron-azalea walkway, (2) meetings to demonstrate how to grow and care for the rhododendrons successfully with little effort, (3) a rest shelter and visitor information center and a spring tour of the garden at the blooming season.

In addition to growing and developing hybrids, Mr. Wallace plans to root several hundred cuttings each year. He is now working with seedlings. Here in the deep south we feel that our climate and conditions have much to offer the rhododendron enthusiast. To meet our challenge, working offi­cers have been chosen to carry out the many new and interesting plans. The first new feature will be a "Flower Theme Fashion Show" for the Shades Valley Council of Garden Clubs, showing the new Spring Fashions from Parisian's for whom Mrs. Curry is Fashion Buyer. The Azalea - Rhododendron theme will be featured. The next feature will be to participate in the Birmingham Home and Garden Show in March 1970, which will be held for one week at the State Fair Grounds in Birmingham. Many other plans will be forth coming from this chapter in the near future.

The Board of Directors are as follows: President, Mrs. Harvey J. Hooks; First Vice Pres., Mrs. Clara B. Curry; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. G. W. Webb; Chairman of Board of Directors; Mrs. Horace Hammond; Board members, Mr. Melbourne D. Wallace, Mr. James H. Hughes, Dr. W. S. Moughon, Mr. William M. Spencer.