QBARS - v30n1 Where is the Perfect Ponticum Program?

Where is the Perfect Ponticum Program?
Esther Avery, Tacoma, Washington

We are a TV society. We have grown accustomed, in all industry and professions, to push a button for viewing the most modern concepts and productions of our time. We have grown accustomed in education and fine arts - to push a button for viewing the depths of the seas and the skies and all the wondrous beauty created by mankind.

But nowhere can we push a button and get a Perfect Ponticum Program; that is, on the Ponticum series or most any other Species Group that so many people want to know, and so many would enjoy - if such programs were available for viewing. These programs will have to come, and be produced by the Rhododendron organizations.

The concept of Documentary Programs, developed by just about any age group, has been around for a long time. It is neither a startling idea, nor a complicated one, but it does take a commitment and a lot of organization.

This is a definite call to the Rhododendron Chapters to develop not only a program of "the perfect ponticum", and other Species groups as well, but also documentary programs on "Hybridization", "Great Gardens", and all other related subjects suitable to educational programming for The Slide Library's loaning services. At the present time there are 11 programs available in the slide Library. Many more are needed. Would your own chapter put one together? It could make an interesting project toward better public promotion of the Rhododendron lore and all their manifestations of culture and beauty.