QBARS - v30n3 The Rhododendron Research Foundation

The Rhododendron Research Foundation

Although the beauty of our favorite plants is rarely marred by disease and our hybridizers are able to produce many fascinating new creations, and our nurserymen are growing enough plants to satisfy our wants, there are significant unsolved problems in each of these areas of rhododendron culture. These difficulties could be overcome by adequately funded research efforts. Until now, The American Rhododendron Society has had no means to do this.

Through the leadership of our President, Dr. August Kehr, past President Alfred Martin, Judsen Brooks and the 1975 Board of Directors, the Rhododendron Research Foundation was created and established formally this year. A vigorous fund raising campaign is under way to create an endowment of at least $ 100,000. This fund will produce enough income to support some of the needed research efforts.

How will $ 100,000 be raised? Major gifts are being sought from individuals, foundations, and corporations. In addition to major gifts, the fund will seek contributions from every member of ARS and from each Chapter in the Society. The success of the funding effort will insure that future generations will fully enjoy these wonderful plants. Over $9,000 was contributed or pledged at the recent ARS Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.

Will you join us? Contributions should be sent to the Rhododendron Research Foundation, Theodore Van Veen, Jr.; Treasurer, Portland, Oregon.