QBARS - v34n4 Recognitions by Massachusetts Chapter

Recognitions By Massachusetts Chapter

The Plants for Members program of the Massachusetts Chapter has attracted considerable interest in the Society for its ambitious goals and the success which its efforts have attained in the four years it has been in operation. At its annual meeting on April 9, the Chapter formally recognized the two members chiefly responsible for setting and realizing those goals, Dorothy Swift of Saunderstown, RI, and Col. Andrew Paton of Yarmouth Port, MA, by awarding them the Bronze Medal. The citations were as follows:

The development of the Chapter's Plants for Members distribution program has required great imagination, organizational expertise, and countless hours of diligent labor.

In recognition of your spirited pursuit of excellence and your service to the membership in creating this unique program, the Chapter is honored to present its highest award, the Bronze Medal of the Society, to


In addition, Chapter member Fred MacDonald was recognized for his invaluable assistance with the technical aspects of producing the Chapter's semi-annual publication, the Rosebay:

As Production Manager of The Rosebay, your extraordinary creative talent and innovative expertise, your unselfish donation of so much of your time and effort, have been a major contribution in establishing The Rosebay as a chapter publication with a standard of excellence second to none.

In grateful acknowledgement, the Massachusetts Chapter is proud to present this citation of appreciation.