JARS v48n2 - In Memoriam: Dr. Max Resnick

In Memoriam: Dr. Max Resnick
Dr. Robert Fox
Hingham, Massachusetts

Max Resnick died on November 22, 1993. In his professional and personal life, as in his great involvement with rhododendrons, he was an articulate leader, a highly informed individual, and, above all, a warm and supportive friend to many. Twenty-four years ago, when the Massachusetts Chapter was being organized, he was involved helping to shape the life and style that was to make the Chapter great. He served as an officer in the early years, and became the Chapter's third president, 1973-1974. The Chapter developed much of its outstanding committee structure in those days, and membership grew rapidly; much of this is attributable to Max's leadership, his warm welcome to whoever came by, and his ability to get others involved.

The Rosebay was the official Chapter publication, and it developed an enviable reputation during Max's tenure as editor, 1977-1980, and associate editor, through 1984. Besides editing and finding outstanding authors, he himself wrote articles, often on propagation from seed, which was one of his specialties.

Max was a leader in the organization of the national ARS convention in 1980, hosted by the Chapter. Throughout the long planning stages, his enthusiasm and his ability to inspire and encourage others was evident, and contributed to the success of this gathering. A decade later, he and his devoted wife Natalie were tireless workers in the second national convention sponsored by the Chapter. On the national scene, he served on the Board of Directors of the ARS in the mid-1970s and was also elected to a three-year term in 1979. He attended and contributed to a number of national meetings. He was a leader who gave of himself to help others come to love his hobby.

Like everything he did, Max jumped into this hobby, quickly acquiring many plants. A number of them came from Mossy Hall, and his evergreen azaleas came from Long Island. His knowledge both of his personal collection and of cultivars generally made him an invaluable asset in the auctions held annually by the Chapter. It would not be an auction without Natalie helping with business or refreshments, and Max sharing his knowledge with newcomers. It is fitting that we remember those who helped make our Society what it is today. Max Resnick provided that leadership, commitment, and love of people which made him a wonderful leader and an inspiration to us who follow after.