JARS v57n4 - Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal Awards


Warren Timmons III

The Cascade Chapter is proud to award Warren Timmons III the highest honor that any chapter can bestow upon a chapter member, the Bronze Medal. This medal is awarded to Warren to show the chapter's great respect and its gratitude for his service to both the Cascade Chapter and the rhododendron community. Warren has been interested in gardening since he started wearing out his "guaranteed indestructible double kneed" Sears and Roebucks jeans working with his grandfather. He has never given up the chance to be outside and in the garden if given a choice. More recently, Warren went to work for the King County Parks Department and even started his own rhododendron and azalea nursery and landscaping business - Warren Gardens. Several events changed Warren's life and finally Warren got out of the nursery business and donated most of his collection of rhododendrons and azaleas to the Kenmore Rhododendron Park, where as a park employee he could also watch over them. Warren has been our Cascade president for the past three terms. He has served as vice president and program chairperson, and has helped to introduce many to the genus Rhododendron through his work as a volunteer and tour guide for visitors to the Kenmore Park. Warren's energy and enthusiasm serve a standard that members of our chapter should strive for. Thank you, Warren, for keeping our chapter steady these past two years and moving forward.

Eugene and Margaret Pflug

The Cascade Chapter is proud to award Eugene and Margaret Pflug the highest honor that any chapter can bestow upon chapter members, the Bronze Medal. This medal is awarded to Gene and Margaret to show the chapter's great respect and its gratitude for two people that exemplify the kind of members that have kept our chapter vibrant. Gene and Margaret have been full and continuous chapter members starting in 1994. From the very beginning, their continued support and involvement has insured the general betterment and the enrichment of our chapter. Gene has served as a chapter board member, chapter vice president, and has served as judge at our annual chapter flower shows. Margaret served as our second chapter treasurer. Her sound fiscal methods in maintaining records are still being used to this date. Margaret has also served in many supporting roles, such as clerking at our flower shows and plant sales. When a project is proposed, Gene and Margaret are the first to volunteer. Both Gene and Margaret have shown great support for innovative new ideas for the betterment of our chapter. They always present a warm, positive, and gracious attitude, particularly in greeting and making welcome both old and new members alike. They have been most gracious in frequently opening their garden for members to tour and enjoy. Recently, when we needed a central location to hold our monthly board meetings, Gene and Margaret were first to answer the call. We now have a central meeting location available every month, along with hot coffee and cookies. What more could we ask for? Further, they encourage the dissemination of rhododendron knowledge and appreciation by their active participation at the Meerkerk Rhododendron Gardens. Thank you, Gene and Margaret Pflug, for your many contributions to the Cascade Chapter.


John Farbarik

The Kitsap Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society on 29th of May, 2003, presents its highest award, the Bronze Medal, to John Farbarik. You have given of your time and talents to the chapter. You have served as treasurer for many years as well as serving on the chapter board. You have graciously hosted members at your home and garden. You have shared your knowledge and experience in starting plants with members. You have been tireless in obtaining plants from many sources, growing plants from seed, starting cuttings and providing plants for the chapter plant auctions and plant sales. You have stored the plants, transported them, sold them and grown on plants for the following year. With sincere appreciation! Thank you.


Marleen and Dave Crucq

On June 14, 2003, at the North Island Rhododendron Society annual potluck dinner Marleen and Dave Crucq were presented the chapter's highest award, the Bronze Medal. Marleen and Dave, long-time members of the chapter and very willing workers, always ready to answer the call when asked, have held executive positions, opened their garden to tours, and assisted with plant sales. The North Island Rhododendron Society is pleased to present Marleen and Dave with the Bronze Medal, for their continued support.


Dora Kreiss

The Victoria Rhododendron Society is pleased to present the Bronze Medal to Dora Kreiss in recognition of more then twenty years of significant contributions to our chapter and the ARS. Dora and her late husband, Bob, were among the founding members of the Victoria Chapter. Dora and Bob established one of the prime rhododendron gardens in our area with many thriving rare species plants, and generously opened the garden to members and to local organizations. Both Dora and the garden have been featured in horticultural magazines. She has been a consistent, patient and balanced advocate for the genus Rhododendron and for our society. Her tireless work during the 1989 ARS convention in Victoria made a major contribution to its resounding success. She has participated in many American Rhododendron Society conventions, and is a leading member of the Victoria Chapter, hosting our annual picnic, judging at our shows, and mentoring members. She is a worthy recipient, and it is with great pleasure that we award the Bronze Medal to Dora Kreiss, June 2003.