Journal of Fluids Engineering

Editor: | Joseph Katz |
Current Articles (from the Online Journal Publishing Service at the American Institute of Physics)
Older Article: "The Vortical Structure of Parasitic Capillary Waves: Convergence and Validation Studies" by Rebecca C. Y. Mui & Douglas G. Dommermuth
JFE Bulletin Board (currently browse only): Browse Comments
From 1992 to 1996, the Journal of Fluids Engineering provided online access to the data deposited in the Journal Data Bank. Selected papers are accompanied by data which are edited and archived. Files once available via are now located on The link names below represent individual entires for a given year and page number preceded by DB. For example, data for an article that appreared in 1992 on page 367 would be listed under the link DB92367.Editors
Fluids Engineering Division
Technical Editor
Demetri P. Telionis (2000)
Executive Secretary
Pat White (2000)
Assistant to Editor
N. W. Schaeffler
Calendar Editor
M. F. AckersonAssociate Technical Editors
Sanjoy Banerjee (1999)
Peter W. Bearman (2001)
Peter Bradshaw (2000)
Manoranjan N. Dhaubhadel (1999)
John K. Eaton (1999)
Gordon Erlebacher (2000)
Urmila Ghia (2001)
Muhammad R. Hajj (2001)
Joseph Katz (2001)
Charles L. Merkle (2000)
Peter E. Raad (2001)
Bruno Schiavello (1999)
Martin Sommerfeld (1999)
Frederic K. Wasden (2000)
David R. Williams (2000)
Khairul B.M.Q. Zaman (2001)Board on Communications
Chairman and Vice-President
R. K. ShahOfficers of the ASME
W. M. Phillips
Executive Director
B. L. Belden
J. A. MasonPublishing Staff
Managing Director, Engineering
Charles W. Beardsley
Director, Technical Publishing
Philip Di Vietro
Managing Editor, Technical Publishing
Cynthia B. Clark
Managing Editor, Transactions
Cornelia Monahan
Production Assistant
Marisol AndinoCopyright
Copyright 1994-2002 by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.