JIAHR - Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research

Issue 12: December 1998
- Indochina - Emerging Markets for the Tourism Industry
by Lan Li, Pui Mun Lee, and Amy Tan HTMLIssue 11: November 1998
- Health Awareness and Life-Style Practices of Foodservice Employees
by Said M. Ladki,Tarek Mikdashi and Abdallah Dah HTMLIssue 10: August 1998
- Effective Placement of Reflective Feedback in Computer-aided Instruction for Maintaining Dining Room Standards
by Annette Graham and Carolyn U. Lambert HTMLIssue 9: December 20, 1996
- A Regional Analysis Concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act: Lodging Operator Level of Compliance
by Randall S. Upchurch and JunWon Seo HTMLIssue 8: June 3, 1994
- Effect of Operating and Financial Leverage on Firm's Risk
by Yang H. Huo and Francis Kwansa HTMLIssue 7: November 16, 1993
- Hospitality's Solid Waste Policy Patchwork: A Study of States' Regulatory Environments
by Leslie E. Cummings HTMLIssue 6: April 27, 1993
- Hotel Re-positioning: An Illustration
by Stowe Shoemaker HTMLIssue 5: September 8, 1992
- The Americans with Disabilities Act: Perspectives on Reasonable Accommodation
by Suzanne K. Murrmann PDF HTMLIssue 4: December 9, 1991
Issue 3: May 28, 1991
- Functional and Symbolic Congruity Approaches to Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction in Consumerism
by Kye-Sung Chon and Michael D. Olsen PDF HTMLIssue 2: February 20, 1991
- Conjoint Analysis and its Application in the Hospitality Industry
by Sophie Ding, Ursula Geschke and Robert Lewis PDF HTMLIssue 1: November 26, 1990
- Hotel Yield Management Using Optimal Decision Rules
by Ralph D. Badinelli and Michael D. Olsen PDF HTMLAbstracts of Issues 1-12 HTML
Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research is a publication of the International Academy of Hospitality Research
ISSN 1052-6099