JITE v43n4 - From the Editor - A Big Smile and a Little Tear

Volume 43, Number 4
Winter 2006

A Big Smile and a Little Tear

For the past two years, the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education has been a significant part of my life. I didn’t realize when I began this editorship how much it would permeate my thoughts, both day and night. Each issue was a pleasure to produce as I met scholars from across the United States and got to know them through their writing or reviewing. Of course, my editorship was not stress-free, by any means. We had our share of problems, such as frustrated writers and ominous deadlines. However, the good far outweighed the bad. Sending out acceptance letters was one of the best parts of this job, as was sending the letters with reviewer comments to help writers revise and re-submit their manuscripts. The excitement of publishing is contagious and something I will truly miss.

I cannot end my term as JITE editor without thanking many people. I am grateful to NAITTE for giving me the opportunity to edit its flagship publication and for allowing me the autonomy to make editorial decisions. My institution, Georgia State University, has been generous in its support of my editorship, and the faculty of the Middle Secondary Education and Instructional Technology Department has shown interest and enthusiasm for JITE’s presence in our department.

I could have never turned out eight issues of JITE without the assistance of members of the editorial board in reviewing manuscripts and helping me clarify my thinking on various dilemmas. I am grateful to Richard A. Walter, Pennsylvania Sate University; James C. Flowers, Ball State University; Richard D. Lakes, Georgia State University; Andrew E. Schultz, Lincoln Public Schools; and Mary Jo Self, Oklahoma State University. Karen Schaefer, Georgia State University (ret.) has been a most valuable asset to our journal as style editor. Her attention to detail, sense of responsibility, and knowledge of APA style enriched the professional quality of each issue. Thanks also to Karen Juneau, University of Southern Mississippi, for keeping the circulation running smoothly (all this while living in a FEMA trailer).

JITE could not survive without the work of its outside reviewers. The Editorial Board thanks these reviewers for their conscientious service to the Journal . The following individuals served as reviewers for Volume 43:

David Bjorkquist
Paul A. Bott
W. R. Caldwell
Robert A. Chin
Jeffery Cantor
Phillip L. Cardon
Rodney Custer
W. Tad Foster
Jeffery Flesher
Gary D. Geroy
James P. Greenan
Larry Hatch
Dennis Herschbach
Marie Hoepfl
Scott D. Johnson
Howard D. Lee
Charles Linnell
Chris Merrill
Susan J. Olson
George E. Rogers
Karen M. Schaefer
Dale E. Thompson
Kenneth D. Welty

University of Minnesota
California State University-Long Beach
Southern Illinois University
East Carolina University
Norwalk Community College
Eastern Michigan University
Illinois State University
Indiana State University
Industrial Trainer
Colorado State University
Purdue University
Bowling Green State University
University of Maryland
Appalachian State University
University of Illinois
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Clemson University
Illinois State University
University of Akron
Purdue University
Georgia State University (Ret.)
University of Arkansas
University of Wisconsin-Stout.

Becoming editor of the Journal of Industrial Teacher Education means filling the shoes of some giants of the profession, and I thank them for the example they have set. I especially appreciate the friendship and advice of George Rogers, my predecessor, whose counsel I sought on many occasions and who never failed to help. As JITE is turned over to its new editor, Richard Walter, I know it will be in good hands. His knowledge of the profession, his extensive experience, and his respect for the work of others will enrich the Journal as it continues to evolve. I look forward to the Journal’s continued success under his editorship. Richard Walter was installed as editor for Volumes 44 and 45 at the annual NAITTE breakfast during the ACTE convention in Atlanta. Watching the installation I wore a big smile as I contemplated having more free time, but I must admit at the same time, I also shed a little tear.

In This Issue

This issue of JITE contains three feature articles related to career and technical education (CTE). In the first article, Ausburn and Brown investigate the learning strategies of students in CTE programs. The study discusses the implications for CTE instructors of learning strategies and instructional preferences, analyzes what types of learners may be most attracted to CTE, and considers why the curriculum and instruction in CTE may be particularly suited to meet the learning needs of certain students.

The second feature article is a follow-up to Flowers and Baltzer’s previous research article (Volume 43:3) which addressed the issue of the growing demand for higher education faculty in technical education. The current study investigates the demand for online doctoral programs in the field of technology education and provides data on motivations and obstacles to pursuing a doctoral degree. Flowers and Baltzer present recommendations to institutions that may be considering offering online doctoral degrees in technical education.

The third feature article is a descriptive piece in which Walter details an on-going partnership between the Carpenter’s International Training Fund of the International United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners Union and the Workforce Education and Development Program of Pennsylvania State University. The goal of the partnership is to produce high quality training for journeymen and apprentices in order to maintain a productive, efficient workforce.

In the “At Issue” section, Gagel presents an argument that the definition of technological literacy should be broadened to expand its scope in order to integrate it with the goals of general education.

An index for Volume 43 is included in this issue. The Journal concludes with the “Bits and Pieces” section.