JITE v44n3 - Table of Contents
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From the Editor
JITE v44n3 [PDF 65.9K]
by Richard WalterArticles
An Instructional Strategy for Pictorial Drawing [PDF 1.9M]
by James L. MohlerRetrospective Pretest: A Practical Technique For Professional Development Evaluation [PDF 355.5K]
by Jeff M. Allen and Kim NimonBarriers to the Implementation of Project Lead the Way as Perceived by Indiana High School Principals [PDF 313.7K]
by C. J. ShieldsBuilding an Academe and Government Partnership In Workforce Education: Challenges and Possibilities [PDF 292.0K]
by Kerri S. Kearney, Mary Jo Self, Lucy Bailey, Ed Harris, Starla Halcomb, Brent Hill and Upton ShimpIndex to Volume 44, Number 3 [PDF 78.4K]
Bits and Pieces [PDF 167.4K]
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