JTE v28n1 - Miscellany

Volume 28, Number 1
Fall 2016

Scope of the JTE

The Journal of Technology Education provides a forum for scholarly discussion on topics relating to technology and engineering-related education. Manuscripts should focus on technology and engineering-related education research, philosophy, and theory. In addition, the Journal publishes book reviews, editorials, guest articles, comprehensive literature reviews, and reactions to previously published articles.

Technology and Engineering Education (T&EE) is a program that resides at the P-12 school levels for all students and at post-secondary institutions for those students interested in teaching or obtaining employment in the technology or engineering fields. Technology and engineering education is primarily taught by technology and engineering teachers, with a focus on engineering design. T&EE may be considered a stand-alone discipline or part of a larger discipline in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Regardless of the approach, T&EE focuses on technological literacy and engineering design; engineering design is the verb tense of engineering.

At the P-12 grade levels, the goal is for students to develop technological and engineering literacy, regardless of career aspirations, through hands-on, contextual applications of technological and engineering concepts. T&EE students, use a hands-on approach to solve technological problems using problem solving and creativity, while working under constraints, which involves the use of optimization and predictive analysis. At the P-5 grade levels, technology and engineering concepts are integrated into existing coursework such as reading, mathematics, science, and social studies. Typical courses students would take at the 6-12 grade levels in a T&EE program would consist of (a) information and communication technologies, including computer-aided drafting and design, (b) engineering design, (c) construction technology, (d) manufacturing technology, (e) energy, power, and transportation technology, and (f) medical, agricultural, and related biotechnologies. Within these courses, students would utilize troubleshooting, research and development, invention and innovation, and problem solving. The focus of T&EE at the P-12 levels is not to prepare future engineering majors/students, but to provide an education for all students.

Editorial/Review Process

Manuscripts that appear in the Articles section have been subjected to a blind review by three or more members of the Editorial Board. This process generally takes from six to eight weeks, at which time authors are promptly notified of the status of their manuscript. Book reviews, editorials, and reactions are reviewed by the Editor.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

One paper copy of each manuscript and an electronic version in Microsoft Word format should be submitted to:

Chris Merrill, JTE Editor
Department of Technology
Illinois State University
215 Turner Hall
Normal, IL 61790-5100

  1. Overseas submissions in Microsoft Word format may be sent electronically via the Internet (to cpmerri@ilstu.edu ) to expedite the review process.
  2. All manuscripts must be double-spaced and must adhere to the guidelines published in Publication Guidelines of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition). Tables and figures, however, should be imbedded within the text itself rather than at the end of the document.
  3. All figures and artwork must be scalable to fit within the JTE page size (4.5" x 7.25" column width and length) and included electronically within the document.
  4. Line drawings and graphs must be editable within Microsoft products and in vector rather than raster format when possible.
  5. Shading should not be used as a background for illustrations or graphs and within bar graphs. If needed, fill patterns consisting of lines should be used.
  6. Manuscripts for articles should generally be 15-20 pages (22,000-36,000 characters in length, with 36,000 characters an absolute maximum). Book reviews, editorials, and reactions should be approximately four to eight manuscript pages (approx. 6,000-12,000 characters).
  7. Authors for whom English is not the primary language must enlist a native English editor for the manuscript prior to submission. This person and his/her email address must be identified on the title page of the manuscript.

Subscription Information
The Journal of Technology Education is published twice annually (Fall and Spring issues). New and renewing subscribers should copy and mail the form below:

Name (please print)