JTE v2n1 - Department Executive Officers' Administrative Roles and Responsibilities In Industry/Technology Education
Volume 2, Number 1
Fall 1990
Department Executive Officers' Administrative Roles and Responsibilities In Industry/Technology Education William Paige and William Wolansky There is extensive literature devoted to the roles, responsibilities, tasks, and changing expectations of departmental execu- tive officers (DEOs) at the college or uni- versity level. Several conditions have changed regarding the roles and responsibil- ities of these department chairpersons or heads in the last two decades. The role is becoming more complex be- cause of rapid social and economic changes. The role is also becoming more diverse as de- partments get larger and interrelationships with other academic departments are encour- aged. These increased pressures on the DEO, may be the reason there also is evidence of a higher turnover rate. With increased respon- sibilities, there is a need for better admin- istrative preparation to meet the demands of current conditions. Strategic planning, as- sessment, staff development, resource allo- cations, and cost benefit analysis forecasting call for more formal preparation. The most critical concern is that there is insufficient knowledge regarding the DEOs re- sponsibilities now and in the future to ef- fectively prepare people for this position. Coffin (1979) reported that department executive officers, whether designated as heads or chairs of departments, constitute the largest proportion of administrators in universities. The immediate responsibilities of the department executive officer are most critical to the welfare and efficient func- tioning of an academic department. Research by Wolansky (1978) made particular note of the fact that: "For the most part, the de- partmental exective officer is appointed principally by virtue of his/her academic achievement and intellectual standing rather than proven managerial ability" (p. 55). There is a need to re-examine the crite- ria for screening and selecting DEOs who would best serve the contemporary administra- tive needs of a department. For example, se- veral other criteria for screening and selecting DEOs that may be as important as academic achievement are: program develop- ment, public relations, administrative style, communication skills, leadership, and profes- sional involvement. However, lacking empir- ical evidence delineating the critical roles and tasks of a DEO, it is equally difficult to prescribe reliable and valid criteria for the selection process. This study attempted to discover what responsibilities the current Industry/Technology Education DEOs perceived as critical to their functioning in such po- sitions. The DEO's represented departments identified through the Industrial Teacher Ed- ucation Directory which is inclusive of a di- versity of industry/technology education programs. John Bennett (1982) reported that "Serv- ing as a department chairperson has become both more important and more difficult in re- cent years. Many of the factors that have given the position greater significance have also aggravated its burdens" (p. 53). Lee and VanHorn (1983) observed that the increas- ing sophistication and costs of academic pro- grams coupled with inflation and decreasing government financial support, have led to a much stronger demand for greater attention to operational efficiency. Turner (1983) and McLaughlin, Montgomery and Malpass (1975) have provided evidence that few department executive officers had any administrative experience before assuming their leadership role at the department level. When considering the nature of the role of the DEO and the ever increasing mag- nitude and complexity of responsibilities as- sociated with this position, it is unfortunate that little effort is made to prepare people for the task. McKeachie (1972) observed that "even though the depart- ment chairmen are the key individuals in de- termining the educational success of the colleges and universities, they have remained generally ill-equipped, inadequately sup- ported, and more to be pitied than censured" (p. 48). It is quite evident that DEOs are increasingly being faced with an enlargement of responsibilities and dwindling of re- sources which lead to increased job related pressures. Also, the increasing diversity of constituencies served by academic departments forces the DEO to be knowledgeable and func- tional in a variety of arenas. These constituencies include students and alumni, colleagues, legislators, taxpayers, and em- ployers. The DEO must accommodate the expec- tations of each which calls for administrative and political astuteness. The ability to reach acceptable compromises on critical issues is paramount. Frequently, faculty and students are not aware of the pressures and expectations placed on their DEO. The position of a DEO is in a constant flux, at times requiring immediate attention to the most pressing problems. Such unex- pected demands contribute to frustration and high turnover rate. There is ample evidence of a high turn- over rate among department executive offi- cers. Heimler (1967), Falk (1979), and Jennerich (1981) suggested that the high turnover rate was, in part, due to the value- conflicts, frustrations and ambiguities of the role. Roach (1976) indicated that "...80% of administrative decisions are made at the department level" (p. 15). He also observed that even as the DEO "...shifts from a purely subject-matter specialist to a plan- ner and developer of department programs, he still remains an instructional catalyst, re- source allocator, arbitrator/human relations expert, and a partner in shaping the institu- tional goals and mission" (p. 15). Finding out what the critical roles and tasks of de- partment executive officers are at a given time, may be helpful in the process of screening and selecting DEOs. However, re- search relating to possible future changes in administrative responsibilities of department executive officers as compared to the present is almost nonexistent. Unless administrative responsibilities of a DEO are identified, prioritized, and validated, it is unlikely that appropriate preparation will be pro- vided. This study was conducted with the in- tent of creating an initial data base of the administrative responsibilities of DEOs in industry/technology education. This seems essential to enable researchers to monitor the continual evolution of the DEO's role. PURPOSE The specific purpose of this study actu- ally was threefold: First, to develop a pro- file of department executive officers of industry/technology education according to their job title as head or chair, type of de- partment, years of administrative experience and extent of formal administrative prepara- tion; second, to determine DEO's perceived importance of various administrative respon- sibilities; third, to investigate whether or not there were any significant changes taking place in the duties of department executive officers in industry/technology education. There was also an interest in examining the perceptions of relatively new DEOs as com- pared to those with more extensive experi- ences. METHODS The methods employed in conducting and reporting this research included: (a) the de- velopment of an instrument, (b) the identifi- cation of a study sample, and (c) a sequence of procedures for analyzing the data. INSTRUMENTATION The instrument used in this study was developed based on the instrumentation and the results of previous studies conducted by Wolansky (1978), Price (1977), Roach (1976), and Smart (1976). These studies concluded that a department executive officer's major administrative responsibilities included: department governance, curriculum develop- ment, faculty development, student affairs, budgeting and control, quality of work life such as faculty welfare and work environment, public relations, facilities management and fund raising. These nine categories seemed most inclusive in viewing the DEOs role as an administrator in its broadest context. Embodied within the nine categories are various skills or administrative duties such as working with committees, coping with de- partmental and campus politics, and building alliances. Twenty-nine tasks were identified as representative of a wide range of adminis- trative duties and were compiled from those administrative duties identified in the lit- erature. A listing of these 29 tasks is pro- vided later in the text. It must be recognized that the above nine categories of administrative responsibilities and the list of 29 tasks may still not be all inclusive. For purposes of this study, no attempt was made to identify any of the 29 tasks as being specifically related to any one of the nine categories. The questions that were selected from previous studies and the additional items in the form of questions based on the 29 tasks were combined and formatted into the final instrument. This instrument then was vali- dated for inclusiveness of content by a jury of eight senior DEOs from major universities. Jury members were selected on the basis of their extensive experience as DEOs and their reputation as national leaders in the field. POPULATION AND SAMPLE The population consisted of all chairs and heads of departments that offer degrees in industry/technology teacher education listed in the 1985-86 Industrial Teacher Edu- cation Directory (Dennis, 1985). The sample included a total of 104 DEOs from the east- ern, mid-western, and western regions of the country. These regions were established by first designating the Mississippi Valley In- dustrial Teacher Education Conference member- ship boundaries as the mid-western region. The other two regions were composed of those states lying east or west of the Midwest re- gion. There were a total of 35 DEOs in the east and west, and 34 in the Midwest. This stratification was done because the research- ers were interested in discovering if any re- gional differences actually existed. Sixty of the original 104 surveys were returned. Fifty-eight of these were found to be usable. No follow-up of nonrespondents was attempted due to the time of the academic year when the survey was distributed which was during the latter part of the Spring se- mester. The late mailing may have contrib- uted to the relatively low response. Since this study was concerned primarily with DEOs having responsibility for teacher education programs, it was considered that the group would be reasonably homogeneous and therefore a small sample would be acceptable for pro- viding necessary data for analysis. It is recognized however, that the results may have been biased by the number of nonrespondents. Therefore, caution should be exercised in in- terpreting the results. PROCEDURES Instrumentation was developed as re- ported, the sample was drawn as described, and the instruments were mailed late in the Spring semester of 1986. The DEOs were asked to provide demographic data and to rank the nine categories of administrative responsi- bilities as to their relative importance. They also were asked to report the time they devoted to the nine categories and to the 29 tasks contained within and to indicate their perceptions of whether this time on task was changing. Collection, coding and analysis of data followed after the decision was made that an adequate return of the sample from each region was available. The statistical analyses included percentage distribution, rank order, ANOVA, Pearson Product Moment Correlation and The Scheffe Multiple Range procedure. RESULTS In an attempt to develop a profile of DEOs in industry/technology education, the respondents were asked to provide demographic information. Results are reported in Table 1. TABLE 1 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF SAMPLE --------------------------------------------- Characteristics N Percentage --------------------------------------------- Total Years of Professional Experience 1 to 5 years 17 29.3 6 to 10 years 15 25.9 11 to 15 years 11 18.9 16 and over 15 25.9 --------------------------------------------- TOTAL 58 100.0 --------------------------------------------- Previous College Administrative Experience Yes 26 44.8 No 32 55.2 --------------------------------------------- TOTAL 58 100.0 --------------------------------------------- Years of Previous College Administrative Ex- perience None 32 55.2 1 to 4 years 15 25.9 5 to 9 years 5 8.6 10 or more 4 6.9 No response to question 2 3.4 --------------------------------------------- TOTAL 58 100.0 --------------------------------------------- Number of Semester Credit Hours of Adminis- trative Courses 0 semester credit hours 2 3.5 1-3 semester credit hours 4 7.0 4-7 semester credit hours 7 12.0 8-11 semester credit hours 15 25.9 12 or more semester credit hours 30 51.6 --------------------------------------------- TOTAL 58 100 --------------------------------------------- Age 0 - 29 0 0.0 30 - 34 9 15.5 35 - 39 8 13.8 40 - 44 17 29.3 45 - 49 18 31.0 50 - above 6 10.4 --------------------------------------------- TOTAL 58 100.0 --------------------------------------------- The majority (53.4%) of DEOs had the of- ficial title of chair. When asked if they had any previous administrative experience at the college level, 32, or 55.2% indicated that they did not. Of the 26 respondents who had previous administrative experience, 24 re- sponded to the question regarding the number of years of the previous experience. The ma- jority with previous administrative experi- ence (62.5%) reported having from one to four years experience. However, 13 of the 32 with no previous college administrative experience reported having had administrative experience at the secondary school level. Over half (51.6%) of the respondents reported having taken 12 or more semester credit hours of ad- ministrative courses. Nearly 60% of the re- spondents were between the ages of 40 and 49, while no one was under the age of 29. The relative importance of the nine cat- egories of administrative responsibilities was determined by having the respondents rank order the nine categories. The results are presented in Table 2. Since the mean is more widely used and better understood than other ways of designating central tendency, the au- thors decided to present the data in this manner rather than the median. TABLE 2 MEAN RANKINGS OF THE RESPONSIBILITY CATEGO- RIES ---------------------------------------------------- Responsibility Category N M-rank SD ---------------------------------------------------- General Department Governace 58 2.62 2.09 Curriculum Development 58 3.20 2.01 Budgeting & Control 58 3.62 2.08 Faculty Development 58 4.06 1.89 Student Matters 58 4.44 2.59 Quality of Work Life 58 5.31 2.50 Public Relations Management 58 5.43 2.66 Facilties Management 58 5.44 2.27 Fund-raising Activities 58 7.17 2.64 ---------------------------------------------------- Within the nine identified administra- tive roles and responsibilities, the top five were (a) general departmental governance, (b) curriculum development, (c) budgeting and control, (d) faculty development, and (e) student matters. After ranking the nine categories of ad- ministrative responsibilities as to their relative importance, the respondents were asked to indicate the amount of time they de- voted to each category. The resulting mean- time distribution is summarized in Table 3. The decision was made to express the average time that a DEO devoted per week to a partic- ular category recognizing that the time DEOs would devote to a particular category is de- pendent on many factors. For example, in the early and latter parts of a semester a DEO may spend considerable time with student af- fairs while spending almost no time in this category during the middle of a semester. Several respondents elected not to complete parts or all of this section of the question- naire, therefore, the N for these data ranged from 42 to 46. TABLE 3 MEAN WEEKLY TIME (HOURS) PER RESPONSIBILITY CATEGORY ---------------------------------------------------- Responsibility Category N M (hours) SD ---------------------------------------------------- General Department Governace 44 9.37 4.86 Student Matters 43 7.47 3.84 Public Relations 43 7.30 4.73 Quality of Work/Life 44 6.72 4.19 Faculty Development 46 5.99 4.09 Budgeting 45 4.96 3.51 Curriculum Development 45 4.77 3.16 Facilities Management 42 3.79 3.06 Fund-raising 43 2.85 2.76 ----------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 53.22 ----------------------------------------------------- The DEOs reported spending an average of 53.22 hours per week attending to their ad- ministrative roles and responsibilities. This finding is corroborated by Coffin (1979) and Sharpe (1955). This demanding schedule implies extended hours per day, extended hours per week, or both. DEOs spent most of their time attending to five categories: (a) general department governance, (b) student matters, (c) public relations, (d) quality of work life, and (e) faculty development. As indicated in Table 3, a DEO devotes approxi- mately 37 hours or 69% of a 53.22 hour work week to the top five categories of adminis- trative responsibilities. These reported hours do not include the time devoted to the other nonadministrative functions such as teaching, research or service. One limita- tion of this study was that the researchers did not address the nonadministrative func- tions of DEO's. While the DEOs are currently devoting a considerable amount of time to the above cat- egories, they also were asked to provide their perceptions regarding spending more time, the same amount of time, or less time on these tasks in the future. The respond- ents reported (Table 4) that they expect to spend an increased amount of time on the fol- lowing: departmental governance, curriculum development, budget and control, faculty de- velopment, and student matters. It is inter- esting to note that departmental governance is recognized as the most important category and governance tasks such as preparing de- partment budgets, assigning teaching loads, and planning and conducting departmental meetings are also perceived as consuming a growing percentage of their time. This in- crease in time devoted to departmental governance may result from the fact that 68% of the responding DEOs administer multipro- gram departments that provide preparation for teacher education, industry, vocational edu- cation, safety, etc. TABLE 4 PERCEIVED CHANGES IN TIME SPENT ON ADMINIS- TRATIVE TASKS IN THE FUTURE --------------------------------------------------------------- More Same Less Time Time Time Task * Description N (%) (%) (%) --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Interpreting the philosophy 55 36.4 45.4 18.2 and goals of Ind. Ed. & Tech. 2. Explaining university and 56 45.5 49.0 3.5 departmental policies to faculty and students 3. Stimulating and rewarding 54 37.0 51.9 11.1 innovative ideas/efforts 4. Preparing departmental budgets 58 62.2 29.2 8.6 and monitoring expenditures 5. Preparing specifications for 53 32.0 34.0 34.0 new equipment and facilities 6. Planning, delegating & directing 55 41.8 47.3 10.9 program activities 7. Seeking graduate assistantship 56 48.2 41.1 10.7 through grants, projects/gifts 8. Monitoring advances in tech- 55 54.5 34.5 10.9 nology that positively impact curriculum innovations 9. Planning periodic review of 54 44.4 46.3 9.3 curriculum offerings/programs 10. Assisting faculty members in 54 22.2 64.8 13.0 solving problems relating to teaching/nonteaching tasks 11. Redesigning and retooling 53 41.5 41.5 17.0 instructional equipment and physical facilities 12. Screening and admission of 53 26.4 56.6 17.0 students with sound educa- tional background 13. Keeping records on equipment 53 26.4 52.8 20.8 and instructional supplies 14. Soliciting donations of 49 36.7 49.0 14.3 teaching materials 15. Pursuing issues relating 53 35.8 52.8 11.4 tenure/promotion and reappointment 16. Maintaining faculty and 52 61.5 34.6 3.8 students' morale 17. Assisting faculty to 53 45.3 45.3 9.4 embark on self-renewal programs 18. Assigning teaching and 50 62.0 56.0 18.0 research loads to staff 19. Supervising classroom 52 15.7 46.2 38.5 teaching & projects 20. Monitoring the performance 54 24.1 51.8 24.1 of duties in which the teachers worked out their own schedules 21. Seeking affiliation of dept. 53 37.7 39.6 22.7 to reputable associations 22. Organizing periodic exhibition 48 14.6 41.7 43.7 of laboratory products 23. Initiating teacher production 49 18.4 51.1 30.5 of teaching aids 24. Supporting/assisting students' 44 6.8 50.0 43.2 fund-raising efforts 25. Striving for state, national/ 53 43.4 35.8 20.8 international recognition of departmental programs 26. Planning & teaching own class; 57 l38.6 38.6 22.8 research and publications 27. Enlisting the cooperation of 49 46.9 38.8 14.3 business/industrial leaders 28. Seeking trial demonstration of 47 29.8 48.9 21.3 modern teaching equipment and latest instructional models 29. Planning/conducting 57 71.9 24.6 3.5 departmental meetings; attending university administrative meetings --------------------------------------------- The third purpose of this study was to investigate whether or not the DEOs perceived changes in administrative roles and responsi- bilities and if differences existed between regions. The independent variables for this part of the study included (a) type of de- partment [single or multiple program], (b) years of administrative experience, and (c) number of semester credit hours of adminis- trative courses. While examining whether differences ex- isted between DEOs with varying years of ad- ministrative experience and the weekly time devoted to the nine administrative categories of responsibilities, no significant differ- ence was found at the .05 alpha probability level. Similarly, no significant regional differences were found for any of the three independent variables. When examining the data for category 3, "Public Relations," in isolation, there was a significant difference between groups based on years of professional experience. Results are shown in Tables 5 and 6. TABLE 5 MEANS AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS FOR TIME ON PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGEMENT BY YEARS OF PRO- FESSIONAL EXPERIENCE --------------------------------------------- Experience N M SD hours/week --------------------------------------------- 1 to 5 years 13 7.85 4.62 6 to 10 years 10 5.37 3.53 11 to 15 years 8 11.44 5.34 16 or more years 12 5.58 3.80 --------------------------------------------- TABLE 6 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF TIME/WEEK ON PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGEMENT BY YEARS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ----------------------------------------------------------- Mean Source df Squares F F-prob ----------------------------------------------------------- Between/Within groups 3 71.1464 3.8197* 0.017 Within groups 39 18.6264 ------------------------------------------------------------ *p Heimler (1967) and Jennerich (1981) and also may be attributed to the fact that the majority of the DEOs are appointed as chairs for a term of five or fewer years, making it more likely that some would not wish to serve a second term. Among the most encouraging findings was that 51.6% of the respondents reported having taken 12 or more semester credits of adminis- trative courses. This study did not attempt to identify the specific administrative courses that currently are being provided, however, the results of this study suggest a need exists for more administrative coursework directed toward departmental governance, budget and control, and faculty development. Such additional preparation may take on a variety of forms. The needs of the administration in a particular region may best serve as the immediate basis for addi- tional study. There was a discrepancy regarding the relative importance of some of the nine cate- gories of administrative responsibilities listed in Table 2, and the amount of time de- voted to these responsibilities listed in Ta- ble 3. While a particular category may be ranked as important in terms of a DEO's re- sponsibility, the time devoted to that spe- cific category may or may not be consistent. For example, the DEOs ranked curriculum de- velopment second in importance, but devoted only 4.77 hours/week to this category which ranked seventh in terms of time devoted to this role. There was agreement, however, on the importance and the time devoted to the category of governance. This finding is in keeping with Lee and VanHorn (1983) who ob- served that the increasing sophistication and costs of academic programs, coupled with in- flation and decreasing government financial support, have led to a much stronger demand for greater attention to operational effi- ciency. After reviewing the related literature and examining the results of this survey, the authors are convinced that limited insights and a lack of consensus about the administra- tive roles and responsibilities of DEOs of industry/technology education still exists. This view is shared by Edmunds (1987). He suggested that "More indepth studies need to be undertaken to determine the types of changes that have and are taking place. Ad- ditional research efforts might include iden- tifying (a) the characteristics of successful leaders, (b) the external and internal influ- ences upon the role of the administrator, (c) the current channels used to become a depart- mental leader, (d) the relationship between job satisfaction and future leadership devel- opment, and (e) the differences, if any, be- tween leadership training for industrial teacher education administrators and that of other educational area leaders. DEOs repre- sent both sets of interests--teaching and ad- ministration." While the authors agree with Edmunds' views, it is most important to real- ize that if the DEO is to lead and influence others, the motivation must come from the commitment to the discipline itself. ---------------- William Paige is Associate Professor, Indus- trial Education & Technology, Iowa State Uni- versity, Ames, Iowa. William Wolansky is Professor, Industrial Education & Technology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. REFERENCES Bennett, J. B. (1982). Ambiguity and abrupt transitions in the department chair- person's role. EDUCATIONAL RECORD, 63, Fall, 53-56. Coffin, A. (1979). The role of the chair- man, the state of the discipline: 1970s-1980s. A Special Issue of the ADE Bulletin, (62), September/November, Asso- ciation of Departments of English, 81-88. Dennis, E. A. (1984-85). (Compiler). In- dustrial Teacher Education Directory. In- stitutions, degree, date, and personnel (23rd ed.) American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education and National Asso- ciation of Industrial and Technical Teacher Educators, Cedar Falls, Iowa, Uni- versity of Northern Iowa Press. Edmunds, N. A. (1987). Response to Marshall, J. and Householder, D. L., JOUR- NAL OF INDUSTRIAL TEACHER EDUCATION, 24(4), 74-75. Falk, G. (1979). The academic department chairmanship and role conflict. IMPROVING COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY TEACHING, 27(2), 79-86. Heimler, C. H. (1967). The college depart- ment chairman. EDUCATIONAL RECORD, 48, 158-160. Jennerich, E. J. (1981). Competencies for department chairpersons: Myths and real- ity. LIBERAL EDUCATION, 67, 46-69. Lee, S. M., & VanHorn, J. C. (1983). ACA- DEMIC ADMINISTRATION PLANNING, BUDGETING, AND DECISION MAKING WITH MULTIPLE OBJEC- TIVES. University of Nebraska Press. McKeachie, W. J. (1972). Memo to new de- partment chairman. In J. Brann and T. Emmet (eds). THE ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT OR DIVISION CHAIRMAN: A COMPLEX ROLE. Detroit: Belamp Publishers, 43-53. McLaughlin, G. W., Montgomery, J. R., & Malpass, L. F. (1975). Selected charac- teristics, roles, goals, and satisfactions of department chairmen in state and land grant institutions. RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 3, 243-259. Price, J. (1977). The industrial arts de- partment chairperson: Tomorrow. MAN/SOCIETY/TECHNOLOGY, 35(2), 208-211. Roach, J. H. L. (1976). The academic de- partment chairperson: Function and respon- sibilities. THE EDUCATIONAL RECORD, 57, Winter, 13-23. Sharpe, R. T. (1955). DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PERCEIVED ADMINISTRATIVE BEHAVIOR AND ROLE NORMS AS FACTORS IN LEADERSHIP AND GROUP MORALE. (Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University), 151. Smart, J. C. (1976). Duties performed by de- partment chairmen. JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, 68, 194-198. SPSSX. (1983). USER'S GUIDE, SPSS INC. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. Turner, H. E. (1983). The department head, an untapped source of institutional lead- ership. BULLETIN, 67(464), 25-28. Wolansky, W. D. (1978). The roles of de- partmental chairpersons. JOURNAL OF EPSILON PI TAU, 4(1), 52-57. Permission is given to copy any article or graphic provided credit is given and the copies are not intended for sale. Journal of Technology Education Volume 2, Number 1 Fall 1990