JTE v3n1 - From the Editor

Volume 3, Number 1
Fall 1991

               As we begin our third volume (year) of
          appropriate to reflect a little on the first
          two years.  The JTE seems to be going well.
          Manuscript submissions have increased stead-
          ily and we now have approximately 500 sub-
          scribers.  Given a) you are all "paying
          customers" (you do not receive the JTE as a
          membership benefit of an association) and b)
          this number represents more than half of the
          CTTE membership, it seems like a healthy
               Other promising signs include a dedi-
          cated and hard-working editorial board, con-
          tributions from international authors,
          interest from other disciplines (e.g. Sci-
          ence, Technology, and Society), a diversity
          of manuscripts submitted, and several pro-
          posals for "special issues" of the Journal.
          To date, the JTE has published six conceptual
          articles, nine articles describing quantita-
          tive research, six manuscripts relating to
          technology education curriculum/teaching, two
          guest articles, eight book reviews, and seven
          editorials.  Six of these articles were writ-
          ten by authors from other countries and se-
          veral of them originated with persons outside
          the field of technology education.
               Though there are many positive indica-
          tors, I believe the JTE lacks some of the
          "dialogue" I thought it might foster.  Edito-
          rial submissions remain scarce, despite the
          interesting dilemmas confronting our field.
          Authors have not taken advantage of the "Re-
          search Digest" section of the Journal, which
          is designed to provide the opportunity to
          publish abridged descriptions of research.
          While I hear of many interesting things going
          on in our field, we see only a small percent-
          age of them described in print.  And of
          course, that is one of the primary purposes
          for the JTE.
               The JTE hereby serves notice that we
          would like to publish more editorials and
          "research digests."  The former is perhaps
          3-5 manuscript pages on an issue that keeps
          you awake at night; the latter is a brief de-
          scription (e.g. 5-10 manuscript pages) of
          your research relating to technology educa-
               Hope to hear from you...
          Permission is given to copy any
          article or graphic provided credit is given and
          the copies are not intended for sale.
Journal of Technology Education   Volume 3, Number 1       Fall 1991
Journal of Technology Education   Volume 3, Number 1       Fall 1991