JVME v21n1: Book Review

Volume 21, Number 1 Spring, 1994

Book Review

Handbook of Small Animal Oral Emergencies. C. Gorrel, S. Penman and P. Emily. Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford O3 OBW, UK. 1993, 54 pp., $29.00.

Prompt management of many traumatic or infective conditions in small animals can allow the teeth to be retained rather than extracted. The purpose of this handbook is to cover oral conditions that require prompt treatment. It is written primarily for the general practitioner and provides some information on pathology to help in judging whether the treatment should be of a temporary nature to buy time while referring the patient to a specialist. Simple traumatic techniques for jaw fracture repair are also described. The book is appropriate for all veterinarians and veterinary students.