JVTE v15n2 - Notes From the Editor

Volume 15, Number 2
Spring 1999


The Journal of Vocational and Technical Education can be obtained in both paper and electronically. This spring, 1999 issue (15-2) marks the thirtieth issue of JVTE in print and the eight issues currently on-line. The printed journal is mailed to members and other subscribers around the world and is indexed in ERIC. The electronic journal is available worldwide on the Internet and can be accessed at the following (case sensitive) location:


Providing JVTE as an electronic journal as well as a paper one means a whole new set of responsibilities for the editor, one of which is making sure that the files are properly formatted in order to be converted to HTML. This also will call for authors paying closer attention to using the proper formatting features on the word processor.

In this issue:

We include manuscripts on a variety of topics in our field. We have a study that provides us with an update of competencies needed in human resources development. A second study shows evidence that explanatory styles of secondary vocational teachers can tell us their receptiveness toward initiatives in vocational education. Next we have a thorough and enlightening history of elementary school technology education and an explanation of the current debate that is taking place. A fourth study researches how we can recruit and retain women and minorities in areas such as automotive technology. The last study provides us with a strategy for using the Delphi Techniques for large data sets.

The Dare and Leach study identifies changes in the perceptions of University Council for Vocational Education (UCVE) faculty members in the importance of the required competencies of trainers (Note: UCVE is now the University Council for Workforce and Human Resource Education). They have used the HRD Competency Model (McLagan, 1989) as the basis for comparison. The authors have provided an update of the literature on the competencies of trainers. They also determined the extent to which the competencies are currently covered in the students' course work. The findings from this study should prove to be informative reading for those who are interested in and working with Human Resource Development programs.

Hall and Smith investigated the explanatory styles of secondary vocational teachers in Georgia. The authors cited literature indicating that how individuals react to change can be explained through their explanatory styles. According to the results of their study, vocational teachers in Georgia are adaptable to change. This is an important trait to possess in our changing environment in vocational education. The authors found no other studies in education that explored explanatory style, therefore, this study may provide a foundation for further research in this area. The authors make several suggestions as to other variables that might be explored in regard to explanatory style. Since change is evident in our programs, other researchers may be interested in replicating a similar study in their own states.

Foster provides us with a historical review of Technology Education in the elementary schools in the U.S., a first in twenty years. Foster states that a resurgence of interest in elementary school technology education has taken place in recent years. From the literature, he provides us with three distinct perspectives of Elementary School Technology Education (ESTE) content, process, and method. Foster proposes that the current literature for this content-method debate contains plausible alternatives and that the field should investigate these possibilities.

The Greer and Collard study focuses on the recruitment and retention of women and blacks in college technology classrooms. The authors share that in many occupations, such as automotive technology and others, there is a demand for women and minorities. This qualitative study resulted in several recommendations for the recruitment and retention of women and minority students.

Custer, Scarcella, and Stewart study a promising approach for extending the Delphi Technique to larger data sets. Often when we use the Modified Delphi for occupational analysis, we get into a lengthy set of competencies that have been identified from previous research. This study was conducted to determine if a rotational Delphi procedure could be used as a means of identifying and validating these large competency sets. Their findings will be of value to those who will be using the Modified Delphi Technique with a large number of items.

The Editor

Betty Heath-Camp, May, 1999

Volume 15, Number 2