SPT v10n2: Table of Contents
Number 2
Winter 2006
Volume 10
A book by Paul Durbin
Part 1. Philosophers of Technology Move Away from Philosophy of Science
Chapter 1. A Premature Attempt at Discourse Synthesis: Carl Mitcham in Thinking through Technology (1994)
Chapter 2. Philosophy of Science and Social Responsibility: Alex Michalos
Chapter 3. Philosophy of Technology as Risk Assessment of Technological Ventures: Kristin Shrader-Frechette
Chapter 4. A Marxist Critique of Capitalist Technoscience: Marx Wartofsky
Chapter 5. Mario Bunge and a Systematic Definition of Technology
Chapter 6. Joseph Margolis on Technological Society
Chapter 7. Joseph Agassi, Philosophy of Technology, and Mass Movements
Chapter 8. Edmund Byrne on Work
Part 2. The Field Refuses to Jell
Chapter 9. An Early Attempt to Turn Philosophy and Technology into Philosophy of Technology: Joseph Pitt
Chapter 10. Don Ihde and the Hermeneutics of Technological Perception
Chapter 11. A Non-Marxist Radical Critique: Langdon Winner
Chapter 12. A Neo-MarxistCritique: Andrew Feenberg
Chapter 13. SPT Goes International: Spain and Germany
Chapter 14. American Pragmatism and Technology: Larry Hickman
Chapter 15. Philosophy of Engineering
Chapter 16. Metaphysics and Technological Culture: Frederick Ferre versus Donald Verene
Chapter 17. The Last Hoorah for Philosophy and Technology: Paul Durbin
Part 3. Attempts to Establish an Academic Discipline
Chapter 18. Albert Borgmann and a Philosophy of Technology?
Chapter 19. Dutch Schools
Chapter 20. Ethics in Engineering and Computing Technology: Deborah Johnson
Chapter 21. Philosophy of Technology and Environmental Ethics: Andrew Light
Chapter 22. Philosophy of Biotechnology: Sheldon Krimsky
Chapter 23. Paul Thompson and Agricultural Technologies
Chapter 24. Philosophy and "Quotidian" Technologies such as Films: Hickman and Light
Chapter 25. Postmodernism and the Social Construction of Technology: Raphael Sassower and Stephen Cutcliffe
A Concluding Essay on Quadrants and Discourse Synthesis in the Philosophy of Technology
by ck