WILLA Volume 12 - Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Editorial Board
From the Editors
Tracing Texts of Desire: Assisting Adolescent Girls to (Re)envision the Male Gaze
Gina DeBlaseMaking a Space for Girls: Feminism, Journal Writing, and the English Classroom
Kelley Barnhardt & Elaine O’QuinnReading Oprah: Gender and Literacy in Book Club Culture
Janice WolffPoetry
My Tree
Marcy RayherLosing Your Leaves
Marcy RayherSpecial Section
WILLA Promotes Gender Fairness
Mary Harmon, WILLA ChairNCTE Guideline: Guidelines for Gender-Fair Use of Language
Harvard's Athena Conference: "Nurturing your inner goddess"
Maureen Dolan: High School RepresentativeShuttered Schools—Blatant Greed
Katherine S. McKnight, College Section RepresentativeThe Retirement Column
Dure Joe Gillikin, Retired Section RepresentativeCall for Membership
Lisa Hazlett, WILLA Membership Chair, Tresurer
Call for Manuscripts