WILLA Volume 12 - Table of Contents

Volume 12
Fall 2003

Table of Contents

Editorial Board

From the Editors


Tracing Texts of Desire: Assisting Adolescent Girls to (Re)envision the Male Gaze
Gina DeBlase

Making a Space for Girls: Feminism, Journal Writing, and the English Classroom
Kelley Barnhardt & Elaine O’Quinn

Reading Oprah: Gender and Literacy in Book Club Culture
Janice Wolff


My Tree
Marcy Rayher

Losing Your Leaves
Marcy Rayher

Special Section

WILLA Promotes Gender Fairness
Mary Harmon, WILLA Chair

NCTE Guideline: Guidelines for Gender-Fair Use of Language


Harvard's Athena Conference: "Nurturing your inner goddess"
Maureen Dolan: High School Representative

Shuttered Schools—Blatant Greed
Katherine S. McKnight, College Section Representative

The Retirement Column
Dure Joe Gillikin, Retired Section Representative

Call for Membership

Lisa Hazlett,   WILLA Membership Chair, Tresurer

Call for Manuscripts