WILLA v2 - Directory

Volume 2
Fall 1993

Jo Gillikin , The College of Staten Island
Fran Holman Johnson , Louisiana Tech University

Jane L. Christensen , Past Deputy Executive Director, NCTE
Ruth K J. Cline, University of Colorado, Past President, NCTE
Janet Emig , Rutgers University, Past President, NCTE
Kim Gandy , Vice-President, National Organization of Women
Leonore Hoffmann , Borough of Manhattan Community College
Nancy McHugh , Past President, NCTE

Elouise Bell , Brigham Young University
Jeanne Gerlach , West Virginia University
Shirley A. Rau , Nampa High School, Nampa, Idaho
Ann Trousdale , Louisiana State University

Elementary & Early Childhood -- Sandra DeCosta
Secondary -- Barbara A. Schaffner , Calhoun High School
College -- Nancy Huse , Augustana College

Kay Bradford , Grambling State University
Mary Elizabeth David , University of Pittsburgh
Roxanne Henkin , National-Louis University
Donna McCabe , A.E. Phillips Elementary Lab School
Elizabeth Morris , Columbia College
Irene Myles , Louisiana Tech University
A. Jane Schollaert , Indiana State University
Laura Gullatt Smith , Caddo Magnet High School
John Sutton , Francis Marion College
Audrey Thompson , University of Utah
Lee Wonsettler Williams , Kent State University

OFFICERS (Fall 1993-Fall 1994)
Chair -- Deanne Bogdan , Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Associate Chair -- Lynn Butler-Kisber , McGill University
Secretary -- Silver Stanfill , University of Anchorage
Treasurer -- Patricia A. Daniels , University of Houston, Victoria
Program Chair -- Lynne Alvine , Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Newsletter Editor -- Betty Hart , University of Southern Indiana
Membership Chair -- Pat Bloodgood , J.F. Kennedy High School

PUBLISHED BY the Women in Literature and Life Assembly, National Council of Teachers of English, once a year in November. Member of NCTE Affiliate Information Exchange Agreement. Entered under a bulk mailing permit at the post office, Ruston, Louisiana. Editorial offices are at P. O. Box 3161, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA 71272. PRINTED BY B. F. Graphics, Inc., Ruston, Louisiana. COVER BY Robert W. Meredith, Monroe, Louisiana.

Subscription rates , which include membership in WILLA, are $15 in the U.S. And $20 (U.S. funds) in other countries. Subscriptions and renewals should be sent to Lisa Spiegel, 122 N. Yale Street, Vermillion, South Dakota 57069.

The staff, the Assembly, and NCTE do not necessarily endorse the views presented in the journal.

Copyright 1993 by WILLA. ISSN # 1065-9080.